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Some Pursue Happiness Others Create it. 9 Reasons why we shouldn’t Chase Happiness (An Ultimate Guide).

8 Reasons why we shouldn’t Chase Happiness (An Ultimate Guide)

Happiness is a universal human goal and one of the most sought-after experiences in life. Everyone wants to be happy, but what exactly is Happiness? This article will explore what Happiness is, why it is essential, and how we can increase it.

Let's dive right in..

It’s common to view Happiness as life’s ultimate objective. Everyone seeks Happiness, the basis for many of our choices and deeds. We always seek happiness through relationships, employment, or material belongings.  

That’s the deal we aim to achieve.

But, Happiness is a two-faced coin. What if seeking Happiness isn’t the best course of action? What if it serves as a trap that prevents us from exploring more? 

But here’s the truth, this article will dig through some of these reasons and provide insights into why chasing Happiness can be a fruitless pursuit.

9 Reasons why we shouldn't Chase Happiness

Take a look at these Statistics

Reason #1: Happiness is Temporary

Pursuing Happiness can be a frustrating and fruitless endeavor because it is temporary. Happiness is a fleeting emotion. Happiness comes and goes, and we can’t control when it appears or disappears. 

We spend our lives chasing after something impossible to hold onto. This chase can lead to disappointment, frustration, and dissatisfaction. We may begin to feel like something is wrong with us if we can’t achieve Happiness, which only adds to our misery.

As psychologist Viktor Frankl once said,


Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue.

-Viktor Frankl

Pursuing Happiness can be a frustrating and fruitless endeavor because it is temporary. Happiness is a fleeting emotion. Happiness comes and goes, and we can’t control when it appears or disappears. 

We spend our lives chasing after something impossible to hold onto. This chase can lead to disappointment, frustration, and dissatisfaction. We may begin to feel like something is wrong with us if we can’t achieve Happiness, which only adds to our misery.

As psychologist Viktor Frankl once said,

So what’s the bottom line?

Key Takeaway

Don’t chase Happiness as it is temporary; pursuing it can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction.

Reason #2: Happiness is a Distraction

Another reason you shouldn’t only be happy is that Happiness can distract from the essential things in life. 

It seems complicated, right?

When we focus too much on happiness, we can lose sight of what truly matters. For example, we prioritize our Happiness over the well-being of others, which can lead to Selfishness and a lack of empathy. 

Alternatively, we might become so obsessed with finding Happiness that we neglect our responsibilities and commitments, leading to guilt and dissatisfaction.

Key Takeaway

Don’t prioritize your Happiness over the well-being of others or neglect your responsibilities and commitments.

Reason #3: Happiness Leads to Impulsive Decisions

Focusing on being happy makes us more likely to make impulsive decisions. We might prioritize short-term Happiness over long-term goals and aspirations, leading to poor decision-making. 

For example, we might indulge in unhealthy habits, like binge eating or drinking, to pursue immediate pleasure. However, these decisions can negatively affect

Key Takeaway

Never make impulsive decisions based on short-term Happiness that can have negative consequences in the long run.

Reason #4: Comparing Oneself to Others

Social media, advertising, and societal expectations create a culture of comparison. 

Haven’t we all fallen into this trap ever?

We see others living seemingly perfect lives and question why we aren’t happy like them. However, this comparison can lead to feelings of envy and insecurity, which can impact our Happiness. 

We may not measure up to others or miss out on something. Instead of focusing on our goals and aspirations, we become preoccupied with what others are doing and how they feel.

Key Takeaway

Never compare yourself to others, as it can lead to envy and insecurity and impact your Happiness.

Reason #5: Happiness is Elusive

The paradox of Happiness is another reason why we shouldn’t pursue it. The more we chase after Happiness, the more elusive it becomes.

We may even become so focused on our pursuit of Happiness that we forget what truly makes us happy. 

We find Happiness when we aren’t looking for it, living in the moment, and pursuing things that bring us purpose and meaning.

As Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh says,


There is no way to happiness – happiness is the way

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Key Takeaway

Don’t chase after Happiness, as it becomes more elusive the more you pursue it.

And that's not all:

Reason #6: Happiness is an Illusion

Happiness is an illusion that we tie with material possessions and external circumstances.

There is always a perception that we will be happier if we have more money, a better job, or a bigger house. But these external factors only provide temporary Happiness. 

We may feel joy for a moment, but it doesn’t last. True Happiness comes from within, which you cannot achieve through material possessions.

Key Takeaway

Material possessions or external circumstances can never bring true Happiness.

Reason #7: Happiness is related to Selfishness

The pursuit of Happiness can also lead to Selfishness. We might prioritize our own needs and desires over the needs of others, leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection. 

Alternatively, we might become so focused on our Happiness that we fail to recognize the suffering of others which can lead to a lack of empathy and compassion, which can be detrimental to our relationships and overall well-being. 

We are all unique individuals with different desires, values, and beliefs. What brings joy to one person may not be relevant to another person. Pursuing Happiness at the expense of others is not sustainable or fulfilling.

Key Takeaway

Don’t prioritize your Happiness over the needs of others or become disconnected from their suffering.

Reason #8: Happiness keeps us Dissatisfied

When we focus too much on being happy, we can also become more susceptible to feelings of dissatisfaction. 

We might feel we need to do more or be where we should be, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression, which can be challenging to overcome. 

Rather than striving for Happiness, we should focus on finding meaning and purpose in our lives.

Key Takeaway

Don’t become too focused on being happy, as it can lead to dissatisfaction, anxiety, and depression.

Reason #9: Happiness impairs Motivation

Finally, Happiness can lead to a lack of Motivation. We may lose the drive to improve ourselves and our lives when we are content and comfortable. We may become complacent and stop pushing ourselves to achieve our goals. 

In this way, Happiness can hinder personal growth and development.

In conclusion, Happiness is a temporary emotion that is subjective, elusive, and distracting. It’s a trap that can lead to

The pursuit of Happiness can be fruitless. When we focus too much on happiness, we can become distracted from the essential things in life. 

Don’t let Happiness lead to a lack of Motivation or hinder your personal growth and development.

Here's the thing:

Finding meaning and purpose in life should be our primary goal rather than just being happy. True Happiness requires inner tranquility, which you cannot attain through just outward or worldly means.

Psychologist Recommendation
Happiness is such an emotion that everyone tries to pursue it. Happiness is a positive emotion with many benefits such as improved health, increased ability to cope with stress, stronger immune system, and increased longevity.

However, happiness should be a byproduct of our life, not the sole goal itself. Pursuing happiness alone can have dark sides, as happiness may not always be the same as positivity; it can make you more self-centered and lonely.

Instead of entirely focusing on pursuing happiness, one can focus on well-being which increases the sense of self-worth and adds value to life.

Final Thoughts

Instead of pursuing Happiness as the ultimate objective, we should focus on finding meaning and purpose in our lives, which may involve exploring our values and beliefs, pursuing activities that bring us joy and fulfillment, and building meaningful relationships with others. 

We should also cultivate inner peace and contentment by practicing gratitude, mindfulness, and self-compassion.

Ultimately, Happiness is a byproduct of a life well-lived, not the end goal in and of itself. By focusing on what truly matters and finding purpose in our lives, we can experience a more profound and sustainable sense of Happiness and fulfillment.

In a nutshell:

Happiness is a state of mind that we can cultivate through various practices such as gratitude, positive thinking, and mindfulness. 

Focusing on the present moment and finding joy in simple things can increase our overall Happiness and lead a more fulfilling life. 

Remember, Happiness is not something we can acquire but rather something we can create within ourselves.

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