The One Liner

If You Want To Be a Great Leader, Then This is For You

The One Liner

December 7, 2022. 3 minute Read

Ask the people of any country, state, or enterprise what price they pay when they don’t have great leaders?

As they say,


Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Some people are born leaders, and some try to do everything to be Great Leaders. So Who are you?

A strong leader tries to learn everything and anything from their successes and failures, which helps to build a positive attitude. And it does take its own time.

An Effective Leader is Always Successful

Effective leaders aren’t aliens dropped from the sky. They are as normal as we are. It’s just they do things differently.

They work on themselves emotionally, physically, and even intellectually every day. They completely immerse themselves in learning and studying what is in trend or the current challenges.

Their positive attitude leads to excellence, keeping all their agony aside. They are the ones who communicate their opinions well, make critical decisions by valuing all facts, and seize opportunities when the time arrives.

Related: Do you want to be a Great Leader? Learn Six Things That Can Help You To Maximize Performance at Work

"I Know-It-All Leader" is a Myth

An effective leader doesn’t have a “Know-it-all” attitude at all. Every day they try to learn something and re-skill themselves. Even Indira Nooyi did that. Whenever there was an opportunity, she would re-skill herself and amalgamate with her experiences so far.

The Moral here is effective leaders are the ones who are constantly trying to build, revise, and improve themselves.

As they say,


People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision “


Confidance is Key here

Uncertainty is a part of life. Not everything will happen the way you plan. But it is your Confidence that will take you to places you haven’t been so far. Confidence will make you believe in yourself and conquer all hardships in life.

Look Confident Here

Here is the thing. Strong leaders are the ones who are confident and deal with problems more effectively. Their positive attitude makes people follow them, which helps build authority that they use when required to get desired results which is no way for their selfish desires.

Challenges Will Be There

It is the leader’s supreme responsibility to achieve the goals of the enterprise. But as a leader, what you put on the table, and how differently you deal with situations matters a lot. So as a leader, your objective is to achieve specific goals and fulfilling them.

"We Care For You" Can't Be Faked

Every powerful company I am aware of doesn’t fake it that they care for all. Be it Tata, Vedanta, all PSUs are very competitive, but at the same time, they do care for all. And they aren’t faking about it. Dive into the company policies; you will know it all.

Final Thoughts

To be a great leader, one has to first and foremost cultivate a positive attitude. It helps boost one’s confidence level and makes you do good things in life for all. One thing, if you do good, you attract greatness. And that greatness only comes with a good attitude.

(Ps: This article has been inspired by the book “The Power of a Positive Attitude” by Roger Fritz)

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