The One Liner

Fear of failure frequently hides in the shadows: 12 Reasons Why shouldn’t you be afraid of failing?

Setbacks and failures are not obstacles but guiding lights that pave our path to personal growth and development. The fear of failure frequently hides in the shadows, stopping our progress and preventing us from realising our true potential.

However, it’s time to change our perspective and see failure as a stepping stone to a more resilient and enlightened self.

Overcoming the fear of failure frequently entails shifting one’s perspective on failure, accepting it as a natural part of the learning process, and realising that setbacks can be stepping stones to personal and professional growth. 

So, one can navigate and overcome their fear of failure by developing resilience, self-compassion, and a growth mindset.


In this article, we will discuss why we are afraid of failing and why we shouldn’t be fearful of failing.

What is failure?

Failure is frequently associated with not achieving the desired or expected outcomes in a given situation. This could be in a personal, professional, academic, or other setting where goals are established.

According to some perspectives, failure is a necessary part of the learning process rather than an end. In this sense, failure is an opportunity to gain insights, learn from mistakes, and improve for future attempts.

Individuals’ perceptions of failure can vary. What one person considers a failure may be interpreted as a valuable experience or a stepping stone by another.

Failure does not always indicate a permanent state. It can be a temporary setback that allows for reassessment, strategy adjustments, and future success.

Why are we afraid of failing?

Fear of failure is a common and deeply established aspect of human psychology, attributed to various factors. Society frequently places high expectations on individuals to succeed. Failure to meet these expectations may result in feelings of judgement, embarrassment, or shame, which add to the fear of failure.

People may base their self-worth and identity on their accomplishments. Failure can be interpreted as a sign of personal inadequacy, lowering self-esteem. Failure may be associated with rejection or criticism from others. The fear of rejection or ridicule from peers, family, or coworkers can exacerbate the fear of failure.

Many people see failure as a negative outcome rather than a learning opportunity. Individuals with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities and intelligence are static.

Failure challenges this belief, instilling fear of undermining one’s inherent abilities.

The uncertainty of what will happen after a failure can be overwhelming. People may hesitate to take risks because they fear the unknown consequences.

Why shouldn't we be afraid of failing?

Let's dive right in!

1. Failure teaches you what does not work

Failure is an influential teacher because it exposes the flaws and limitations of specific strategies or approaches. 

Understanding what does not work is an essential part of the learning process, providing critical insights and opportunities for improvement.

Carefully, what didn’t help you when you suffered a setback, learn those lessons, and implement them in your current life scenario. 

2. Failure increases your resilience

Dealing with setbacks strengthens mental toughness and resilience through different coping mechanisms.

Overcoming failure necessitates coping mechanisms, adaptability, and the ability to recover stronger, all of which are valuable life skills.

Failure is a prerequisite for success, but you must keep trying harder and work smarter towards your goal.

3. Failure allows you to learn from experts

When you fail or feel like you will fail, seeking help from experts or mentors can be highly beneficial.

Learning from other people’s experiences allows you to avoid common pitfalls and accelerates your learning process.

We can correct ours before it’s too late, especially when we note down others’ mistakes – the same ones we are making – and see what consequences they bring upon them.

4. Failure increases your creativity

When confronted with failure, people are frequently forced to think outside the box and develop novel solutions.

When faced with adversity, creativity flourishes, resulting in the development of new ideas and approaches.

When time and again you face failure, loss, and defeat, you learn to tackle every new problem that comes your way.

5. Failure helps you become more determined

Failure can strengthen a person’s determination and motivation to overcome all the obstacles.

The desire to succeed despite setbacks can motivate people to work harder and persevere in adversity.

When faced with setbacks, people frequently find renewed determination and motivation to overcome challenges. 

6. Failure makes you humble

Failure humbles people by highlighting their limitations and reminding them that success is not guaranteed.

Humility promotes an open and receptive mindset, allowing ongoing learning and improvement.

When people recognise and accept their weaknesses, they are more likely to learn from their experiences.

7. Failure improves your focus

The experience of failure frequently forces people to reconsider their goals and their priorities.

It helps people distinguish between superficial ambitions and those that align with their core values, allowing them to focus on meaningful goals. 

This helps people find a more purposeful and aligned path by shedding light on what is truly important to them.

8. Failure strengthens your discipline

Overcoming failure frequently necessitates disciplined effort and adherence to a plan or strategy.

Building discipline through failure allows people to stay on track and persevere in pursuing their goals.

It gives people the mental discipline to face challenges, adapt strategies as needed, and work continually towards their goals.

9. Failure increases your resourcefulness

When faced with failure, people look for alternative resources and methods, not to confront failure.

Failure fosters resourcefulness, which improves problem-solving ability and adaptability in the long run.

The discomfort of failure frequently motivates people to seek new avenues and approaches to overcome challenges.

10. Failure makes you more human

Accepting failure as a natural part of the human experience increases empathy and understanding.

Recognising that everyone experiences difficulties and setbacks makes you more relatable and compassionate to others.

It provides an environment where people can openly discuss their difficulties without fear of stigma or isolation.

11. You can only improve once you try something new

Progress and improvement frequently necessitate stepping outside your comfort zone and taking risks.

Accepting failure as a necessary part of growth promotes exploring new ideas and approaches.

The difficulties encountered during times of failure can serve as valuable lessons, building a better understanding of one’s abilities and areas for improvement.

12. Don't close the door of opportunities

Embracing failure entails remaining open to new opportunities, taking calculated risks, and being willing to learn from and grow from mistakes.

Individuals afraid of failure are more likely to avoid taking risks or pursuing new opportunities, resulting in the loss of potentially rewarding experiences.

Embracing failure requires a mindset of openness to new opportunities, resulting in individuals gaining valuable insights while fostering personal growth. 

Final Thoughts


Setbacks are unavoidable, but how we handle them determines our path. Failing forward promotes a mindset that turns setbacks into opportunities for personal development. Individuals who accept failure as a natural part of the process can realise their full potential, develop resilience, and embark on a journey of continuous improvement. Remember that it is not about the fall, but about the rise.

Failure is not a roadblock but a marker on the path to improvement. Understanding what doesn’t work is essential to the journey to success, as it helps people become more knowledgeable, adaptable, and resilient.

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