The One Liner

Women’s Silent Struggle Beyond the Smile! Why are women better when it comes to Emotional Labour and what is its role?

Consider walking a tightrope, balancing not just your own emotions but those of everyone around you. This is the everyday reality for many women, who are frequently required to manage and soothe the emotional landscapes of both their work and life. This unseen yet ubiquitous weight is known as emotional labor, a phenomena that necessitates ongoing emotional management and resilience. 

Despite its enormous significance, emotional work is frequently overlooked and underpaid, silently impacting women’s lives and well-being throughout the world.

In a society that increasingly values efficiency and production, the complex skill of emotional regulation is overlooked. However, it is this art that frequently supports harmonious workplaces and homes. 

From the boardroom to the home room, women are the hidden architects of emotional equilibrium, managing complicated interpersonal relationships with elegance and compassion. However, this hidden effort has a cost, resulting in emotional tiredness and burnout.


As we dig deeper into the concept of emotional work, we discover the hidden demands put on women and investigate how these expectations influence their lives. By bringing this unseen job to light, we hope to generate a discussion about its importance and push for a more equal allocation of emotional duties.

What is the concept behind, “emotional labor”?

Often, in psychology women who carry invisible weight in day-to-day life are often referred as “emotional labor” 

Unmasking Emotional Labor!

Emotional labor, a phrase coined by sociologist Arlie Hochschild in her 1983 book “The Managed Heart,” refers to the act of controlling feelings and expressions in order to meet the emotional demands of a work. This notion applies beyond the workplace, influencing personal relationships and societal interactions. It entails concealing one’s own feelings in order to project a sense of calm, support, and optimism, which frequently comes at the price of one’s mental and emotional health.

The concept is explored from a genealogical perspective, specifically focusing on how gender, socio-political and health cultures have influenced the evolution of the discourse that defines how emotional labor is perceived, understood and valued. 

Role and consequence if you are emotional labor!

1. Unrealistic expectations at workplace

The Silent Struggle of Emotional Labour at Workplace!

Emotional labor continues to be primarily carried out by women in contemporary professional settings. It is expected of women to always be kind, compassionate, and caring, regardless of their position in the workforce. In industries where providing emotional labor is not only expected but also essential to the provision of quality services, such as healthcare, education, and customer service, this need is particularly strong. 

Workplaces with a high proportion of female employees frequently assign their female employees to tasks where they have to manage their own emotions while handling conflict, supporting colleagues emotionally, and keeping the peace. Due to its continual need for emotional restraint and self-control, this balancing act can result in severe emotional tiredness and burnout. 

These expectations still exist despite progress made toward gender equality, which emphasizes the continued difficulties that women confront in day to day life.

2. Emotional Labour Beyond the Office!

Poor emotional health!

In personal relationships, where women are frequently viewed as the primary caretakers and emotional anchors, the weight of emotional labor continues. As caretakers, mediators, and sources of emotional support for friends and family, they are expected to handle the emotional dynamics of the home. 

Women may find this unseen labor to be very draining, leaving them with little energy or time to tend to their own emotional needs.Women are frequently responsible for the mental health of their partners, kids, and even other family members in a family context. This involves planning family get-togethers, keeping track of birthdays, and taking on the role of the go-to problem solution. 

Even though doing it all, sometimes women feel they are almost invisible and underappreciated, which are essential factors for preserving peace and stability in the family.

3. Poor Mental Health

Women who work in emotionally charged environments bear heavy psychological costs in many areas of their lives, which have a substantial impact on their mental well-being. Chronic stress, enhanced anxiety, and a greater risk to depression are all influenced by the ongoing expectation to control emotions, frequently at the expense of one’s own needs. This stress results from having to constantly work at being empathetic, remaining calm under pressure, and being emotionally available to society and the workplace.

These difficulties are made worse by the lack of acknowledgment and gratitude for the emotional labor done. When their emotional contributions are ignored or underestimated, women may feel resentful and frustrated. 


Women who are emotional labor often experience burnout and emotional tiredness, which leaves them feeling physically and emotionally spent.

To tackle these problems, an advanced understanding of the widespread influence of emotional labor and its consequences for psychological health is necessary. It is essential to foster cultures that both promote

We can reduce the negative consequences of emotional labor and encourage healthy emotional dynamics for all parties involved by creating supportive cultures and encouraging self-care activities.

A call for a change!

In order to address the problem of emotional labor, society must change the way we see and value this unseen labor. It is essential to acknowledge and value the emotional labor that women undertake and to more fairly divide this load among both genders.

Employers in professional contexts have the ability to recognize and lessen the emotional labor that is asked of their staff members. This can involve:

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell

In both their personal and professional lives, today’s modern women exhibit a careful balance as they skillfully negotiate the difficulties of emotional labor. The foundation of peaceful surroundings is their capacity to handle emotions with empathy and resilience, which frequently goes unrecognized. In order to foster environments where women flourish and their well-being is valued in addition to their vital roles in society, we must acknowledge and celebrate the emotional contributions that women make. 

As we rewrite the story of emotional labor together, we are taking a step toward a day when all women experience empowerment and validation as they navigate the emotional terrain of life.

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