The One Liner

Creating a Supportive Work Environment: 5 Strategies To Boost Mental Health At Workplace

Dr Krishna Athal

August 20, 2023.10 minute Read

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In this article, you will understand how to create a Supportive Work Environment to Improve Mental Health in the Workplace from the Life and Executive Coach. 

The author, Dr Krishna Athal is an internationally acclaimed Life & Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer, and extend his key expertise across India, Mauritius, Singapore and the UK. Dr Krishna Athal is esteemed as one of the finest in the coaching field.

Dr Krishna Athal, is associated with The One Liner, a holistic Wellness platform where we conduct Workplace Mental Health Webinars. 

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Our mental well-being enormously impacts our ability to be productive, function efficiently, and work to the best of our abilities.

With a highly competitive job market worldwide and the countless life pressures we face today, there is no doubt that workplace stress levels are at an all-time high.

While it’s understandable that some stress in the workplace is inherent, managing this to ensure people are well-rested should be a priority for employers.

Studies show that maintaining good mental health in the workplace boosts morale and increases organizational productivity.

So, if you’re looking for ways to make your working environment much healthier while still getting essential projects done – here are five efficient solutions:

5 Strategies to Boost Mental Health at Workplace!

Make sure to provide adequate breaks throughout the day, including lunch and snack breaks
Make sure to provide adequate breaks throughout the day, including lunch and snack breaks

1. Make Mental Health a Priority

Create a company policy to promote it

Mental health is an issue that should not be taken lightly, especially in the workplace. 

With the constant pressure and stress of demanding jobs, companies must prioritize their employees’ mental well-being. 

Creating a company policy that promotes mental health can help employees feel supported and valued, ultimately leading to better job satisfaction and productivity.

By offering resources such as webinar, counseling services and mental health education, companies can break down mental health stigma and promote a safer and healthier work environment. 

Investing in employees’ mental health is not only the right thing to do, it’s also good for business.

You can always reach out to us, for both online and offline webinar sessions on “Mental Health at workplace.”

Key Takeaway

Making a company policy that prioritizes mental health shows that you care about your employees’ satisfaction. This can promote a safer environment which will increase productivity.

Access to mental health professionals is a must
Access to mental health professionals is a must

2. Provide Access to Mental Health Professionals

For employees in need of support

It’s no secret that work can be stressful and affect a person’s mental health. 

That’s why companies must provide their employees access to mental health professionals when they need support. 

Whether it’s therapy sessions or guidance for dealing with work-related anxiety, having trained professionals available can make a huge difference in employees’ overall well-being.

The One Liner, a holistic wellness platform, has trained professionals who conduct many employee wellbeing workshops both online and offline. 

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Remember! Taking care of employee’s mental health isn’t just important for their quality of life and the business’s success. 

With the right resources, companies can create a supportive work environment where everyone can thrive.

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Key Takeaway

Giving employees access to mental health professions shows a commitment for their overall wellbeing. It improves the success of  an individual and so as the company.

Make sure to provide adequate breaks
Make sure to provide adequate breaks

3. Provide Adequate Breaks

Include Lunch and Snack Breaks

On any workday, it can be tempting to power through without pause. However, neglecting to take breaks can severely affect your mental and physical health.

That’s why providing yourself with enough pauses throughout the day, including lunch and snack breaks, is essential.

By allowing yourself adequate time to rest and recharge, you can avoid burnout, improve your concentration, and enhance your overall productivity.

So, next time you think about working straight through, remember that taking breaks isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity. 

Take care of yourself, and you’ll find that your work benefits in turn.

Key Takeaway

Giving employees adequate breaks throughout the day can allow them to recharge and get to work in a fresh mind. It should be necessary in every workplace.

Implement flexible work hours
Implement flexible work hours

4. Implement flexible work hours and Remote working options

If Possible.

There has been a growing trend towards flexible work hours and remote options in recent years. 

Technological advancements have made working from home or outside of traditional office hours more accessible than ever. 

While some employers resist the idea, studies have shown that flexible working arrangements increase employee productivity and job satisfaction.

In addition, it allows for a better work-life balance, which is becoming increasingly important to workers of all ages. 

Employers can attract and retain top talent by implementing flexible work hours and remote options whenever possible while improving overall employee well-being. 

It’s time for businesses to embrace this change and adapt to the modern workforce.

Key Takeaway

The use of flexible working hours and remote working options boosts worker’s productivity and happiness. Results in better talent retention in modern workplace.

Employees talking about their struggles at workplace.
Employees talking about their struggles at workplace.

5. Encourage an Open-Door Policy

Allow employees to talk about their struggles without fear or judgment

A culture of silence can stifle productivity and innovation. Employees may be grappling with personal issues or struggling to meet targets but are hesitant to voice their concerns, fearing judgment or stigmatization. 

It is essential to create a work environment where everyone feels comfortable discussing their struggles without fear of criticism or discrimination.

Encouraging open-door policy signals that management cares about the welfare of their employees. 

This policy should outline that all employees have equal access to talk to managers about their challenges, with the assurance that confidentiality will be maintained. 

Managers must listen actively, provide emotional support, and offer solutions where possible. 

The result would be an honest, supportive, and collaborative team, which translates into

Key Takeaway

Providing an open door policy gives staff members the freedom to talk freely about the problem they have been facing. This builds up support and trust with the employee and the head. Boosts overall team performances, lower absentees and satisfaction of the employees.

Final Thoughts

To create a healthier work environment for employees, it is essential to make mental health a priority. 

Employers should implement policies to encourage employees to seek help from mental health professionals when needed and provide them with adequate breaks throughout the day.

Additionally, flexible working hours and remote options can benefit employees’ mental health and productivity.

 Most importantly, employers should create an atmosphere of open communication with no fear or judgment, making it easier for employees to take steps toward improving their mental well-being at work. 

By considering these strategies, employers can ensure their workplace is less stressful and more productive – a win-win for everyone involved.

Contact us Now, for interactive webinar sessions. 

Dr Krishna Athal

Dr Krishna Athal is an internationally acclaimed Life & Executive Coach and Corporate Trainer, extending his expertise across India, Mauritius, Singapore and the UK. He is esteemed as one of the finest in the coaching field.

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