The One Liner

Diary : " I am Too Tired But Still Working on Weekend "

The One Liner
April 30, 2022. 4 minute Read

There is a word called, “Consistency,” there are words called “My Mind is Tired, So Let’s not work Today!” and then there are words, “I have a bad shoulder, but still I have to work anyway .” 

When put together, all these words are now being scripted in the Minds of all those tired but still Working on the Weekend. 

I just saw Rishi going to Goa. I just saw Himani going to Shimla. I Saw Hemant moving around in Germany, and I saw some friends doing reels and having delicious lunch in some fantastic Restaurant. But I still somehow manage only to work this weekend. I am tired but still hoping some energy will suddenly pop from this coffee mug. But that never happens. Anyway, it seems this coffee plan is not willing to work today, by default. 

Now I put all hopes on a Cold Shower and Delicious Lunch, which relaxes you for a moment, but one still has tired mind, body, and soul. I took a Power Nap. Finally, some energy pops into the air, struggles to switch on the laptop and start typing letters. Letters suddenly feel like a Dragon on Safari, but you still anyway continue to work. 

After all, Money! Reputation! Showing up every day is everything that counts. Rest are often ignored. 

I am exhausted and also done with the day.  

Mission Accomplished!  

Dated: 30-04-2022

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