The One Liner

Bringing Farming into School Curriculums: A Path to Deeper Learning and Sustainability!

While the agriculture sector in India constitutes around  18-19% of GDP, it is shocking that Indian students know barely anything about agriculture. They still learn basics from geography textbooks, which they could have learned easily by perceiving the ecosystem naturally. 

Take for an example:

Have you ever seen a student genuinely excited about eating vegetables?

It’s rare—unless they’re the ones who grew them! By incorporating farming into school curriculums, students can establish a personal connection with their food, fostering an appreciation for nature and healthier eating habits.


In this article, we will learn why farming must be introduced in the school Curriculum and reconnect students with the roots of our food and culture through farming education.

The Growing Role of Farming in Education

In a rapidly digitizing world, connecting with the roots of our sustenance is crucial. Some schools in India are pioneering this concept by making organic farming a core part of their curriculum. For example, Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya in Gwalior introduced farming to teach students about our agricultural heritage while allowing them to sell produce, linking education with economic growth. Government initiatives have also mandated agricultural education for students from classes 6 to 8, setting a strong precedent.

Key Benefits of Farming in School Education

1. Practical Skill Development

Students learn hands-on techniques such as growing food, understanding soil health, and sustainable practices. Farming also teaches patience, responsibility, and problem-solving—skills vital in today’s world.

2. Practice Healthy Eating Habits

With a deeper understanding of nutrition and the benefits of fresh produce, students become more mindful of their diets. This experience provides a much stronger incentive for healthy eating than traditional classroom lectures.

3. Strengthen Society’s Connection to Agriculture

Introducing farming narrows the gap between urban and rural perspectives. As students engage in growing produce, they gain a greater appreciation for agriculture’s critical role in our economy and food systems.

4. Expanding Career Horizons

First and foremost, it is important to note that agriculture is the only sector which is tax free. Agriculture also offers diverse career paths in areas such as biotechnology, environmental science, food processing, and food safety. Incorporating farming into education gives students early exposure to these opportunities, nurturing an interest in pursuing careers in this sector.

5. You Build Community Connections

Schools can partner with local farms, participate in farmers’ markets, and engage in community projects. These activities strengthen ties between students, local farmers, and the community, fostering shared learning experiences.

6. Enhance Problem-Solving Skills

Farming requires tackling challenges like unpredictable weather and pest control, encouraging students to think critically and adapt. These problem-solving skills are applicable across various fields and careers.

7. Boosts Mental Health and Well-being

Engaging with nature through farming reduces stress and improves overall well-being. Integrating these activities into the school curriculum offers therapeutic benefits and fosters a sense of accomplishment as well. In fact, you will notice that one of the fittest individuals are mostly from villages who have natural six packs, not the one which is pumped up by protein shakes.

How To Implement Farming Education in Schools?

To incorporate farming into education, schools can start small by integrating gardening projects into science or environmental studies classes. Forming partnerships with local farms provides additional resources and learning opportunities. Over time, schools can expand these initiatives, creating comprehensive farming programs that benefit students and the community.

Final Thoughts

In the nutshell

Embedding farming into school curriculums offers a range of benefits—from developing essential life skills to promoting sustainability and fostering career opportunities. By reconnecting students with the roots of our food and culture, farming education ensures that they are better prepared to face future challenges and make informed decisions in their personal and professional lives.

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