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What is ghosting and catfishing in a relationship that 9th std students of CBSE are learning about?

What is ghosting and catfishing in relationship that 9th std students

Education is more than textbooks—it’s the key to how we perform in the present and influence our future. It is also about how we conduct ourselves in the present.

But here is the thing: once puberty hits, hormones strongly take over the decisions we make while building relationships. And you can’t blame your circumstances for the same; it is natural. But if there is awareness, the power to make more informed choices with a strong mindset will be much easier.   

Maybe this is why CBSE 9th std Indian kids are now learning about dating and relationships, which include catfishing and ghosting.

Though most of our Indian society is still against dating, we must acknowledge its positive social implications, which include awareness about how we must interact with people around us. Dating also helps us evolve as individuals with excellent communication strategies. 

Relationships have taken on new dimensions in this digital age, bringing new challenges and behaviours. Ghosting and catfishing are two such behaviours that have become prevalent. Understanding these concepts is crucial for ninth-grade students as they navigate the complexities of modern relationships.  

But what exactly are these terms known as catfishing and ghosting? And why do you think it’s essential for ninth-grade students to study these concepts?

While Catfishing is creating a virtual identity with fake images, names, and other characteristics to trick other people into thinking they are someone else, when someone unexpectedly stops talking without giving any prior notice or explanation, it’s known as “ghosting” which can occur in any relationship, including friendships, romantic partnerships, and business dealings. 

Here, the person being ghosted is often left confused and hurt, wondering what went wrong and why the other person vanished so quickly. Thus, it creates an emotional rollercoaster experience in individuals, especially when establishing a romantic relationship.

But what is wrong with our ecosystem these days, especially for teenagers? With the growing number of dating apps and the increase in social media usage, teenagers may succumb to any mishap, thus resulting in poor mental health in individuals. 

Class discussions often focus on the motivations behind these actions and how they impact the victims. Students are taught to spot warning indicators, such as excessive secrecy or abrupt communication breaks. 

Such lessons on catfishing and ghosting help build empathy and also help cope with situations better with skills-training activities. 

Thus, promoting open communication with friends and family and teaching internet safety is critical. 

It can always start at school. Learning on this subject can also be made more interesting by role-playing and discussing various scenarios. Stories and group discussions can introduce these subjects to English and Social Studies classes to aid in students’ understanding.

Thus, teaching these CBSE ninth graders all about ghosting and catfishing goes beyond dating. It teaches students how to recognize online dishonesty and respond politely to it. This helps them maintain their safety and foster trust in both their online and offline relationships. Starting early can enable kids to make more informed decisions and form more wholesome relationships in the digital age.

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