The One Liner

Spotify is the New MTV for India, And We Love That.

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Priyadarshini Sahoo

July 29, 2022. 4 minute Read

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People in their late 20s, 30s, and 40s can tell you how much they love watching MTV “Most Wanted” by Nikhil Chinaapa; MTV 123, MTV Style Check, and Channel V “Most Wanted.”Channel V and MTV were some mediums that introduced us to what is happening in the music industry in India and the world. 

But currently, Spotify is the new MTV for India, and we love all its features. Spotify leading music streaming services is the new go-to app for every music listener. Spotify not only made music accessible for all but also because of the technology involved; it still stands out in the crowd.

Technology that Standouts in Spotify

Spotify's One Sign-in option and Multiple Accessibility Options

Spotify uses Single sign-on (SSO) technology that combines several different application login screens into one. That is why not only in Spotify but also in other applications, you need to enter login credentials once to access all of their Saas applications. Be it on your smart TV, chrome cast, smart watches, everywhere; you need to create one sign-in account and then have multiple accessibility options.

Spotify Knows It All

Spotify scans through almost every phrase and term in metadata, articles, discussion, chats, news, stories, songs, YouTube, and what not to track what people are precisely listening to and discussing these days. And thus, making a curated playlist for all. 

Spotify uses NLP as AI-powered Spotify browsing, which analyses human speech via text and helps them precisely identify and pick your song on the basis of what people are listening to almost everywhere. So basically, this is why Spotify’s discovery mode knows what we are listening to, what your favorite genres are, and what the world is listening to right now. 


Spotify free listen has made music accessible for all, but there are specific innovations that genuinely did help a lot. In Spotify, what makes it easy to use is once you download the app and sign in, and then you can easily cast it on any smart device around. It is that simple.  So, we thought to explore more on Spotify’s discover weekly algorithm.

Spotify and MTV India

Back in the late 1990s and early 2000, MTV did a great thing by being a medium through which it made aware of every new song, be it Bollywood and Pop songs, both from India and the world; almost every track would run on MTV India and hence, made a curated playlist for all. But for music listeners, there was a massive gap in accessibility and awareness of many songs. 

In 2013-15, Zayn Malik and the boy band “One-Direction” were huge stars in western countries. But they were still unknown to many in India. Because we still didn’t have any proper medium that would have created awareness about them anyhow and didn’t have a one size fits all approach. Though YouTube was making it easy, Spotify was that application that made every music lover’s life easier. Ever since Spotify happened to us, now we know what music is trending, who is the song’s artist, and we have a playlist of top 50 songs in India and the world

Final Thoughts

We believe that Spotify solved one of the biggest problems and made accessibility easier for all. Spotify also helped create awareness about every song the world is listening to now. But now comes the sad part. The sad part is that no matter how long seconds the ads may be, no matter how convincingly Spotify asks users to take a subscription, some will listen to the whole advertisement but still always refrain from taking any subscription.

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