The One Liner

Set Your Fitness Goals, and See the Best Version of Yourself

The One Liner

March 12, 2022. 4 minute Read

When we talk about fitness, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Fitness, to me, is like breathing.

I have become so used to exercising now that it is more like an involuntary action. However, it was not something that happened to me overnight. I had to work hard to reach that level of self-realization immensely.

It’s a fact that we all want to become the best version of ourselves, look confident and healthy both inside-outside.

But, How do we Start?

Setting goals for fitness is essential because it keeps us accountable and encourages us to push ourselves when we don’t want to exercise.

So How about "The SMART Goal" Approach?

Not many know about the SMART Goal approach.

The SMART Goal Approach says that our goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. If you ask me about my SMART Goal Approach, we all need to have a realistic fitness road map that fits into our daily routine.

So How Do We Go About it?

1. Focus on one goal at a time

When we start our fitness journey, we tend to overdo things and try to achieve them in one go. And this leads to anxiety, burn out and lower energy levels.

If our goal is to lose weight, we need to understand where we stand with our health parameters.

Set Your Fitness Goals, and See the Best Version of Yourself

A “Body Composition Analysis“ is the assessment of the proportion of fat to fat-free mass in your body. For example, when I started my long-distance running journey, I ensured I checked my ferritin, B-12,  Vitamin-D, and electrolytes levels in my body composition analysis. Once I had that clear picture, I started my training for a 5 Km run without getting exhausted.

So, pick one goal at a time, and then challenge yourself to achieve the same before moving on to the next goal.

2. Make it Quantifiable, Achievable, and Time-Bound

Your goals should be measurable. Running a 5 Km non-stop is an excellent example of a quantifiable goal when measuring our goals. Making it time-bound will keep you accountable and keep us focused and help us plan it in a more structured way.

I want to run 5 Km in 6 months. When we say a goal should be achievable, we should be aware of our current fitness levels and plan a regimen that is both suitable and achievable for us.


There is no one-size-fits-all in fitness.”

3. Be Realistic

Give yourself time. If we want to have long-lasting changes, we must work hard and respect the training time frame. Pushing too hard too soon might lead to unwanted injuries, burnouts, and fatigue.

A long-term goal will eventually become a lifestyle, and once it becomes part of your lifestyle, you do it without even thinking about it.

4. Never Give Up

Many times, when we don’t see a result immediately, we tend to give up.

When I started my long-distance running journey, there were times when I used to be exhausted, sore and dehydrated. I felt like giving up immediately. But what kept me moving were my goals.

What I did was, redirect my brain towards my target, “today, I will run 21 Km without any stops.” Once I was able to achieve it, I felt overwhelmed and gratified. I am so glad that I did not give up. Thus, it eventually become a lifestyle. And once, it becomes part of your lifestyle, you do it without even thinking about the same.

Final Thoughts

Running requires patience and perseverance. As they say,

Running requires patience and perseverance. As they say,

So set your goals and make sure you push harder even on those days where you feel like giving up.


Success is the product of daily habits—not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.”

Atomic Habits is a book written by James Clear.

Pragyan Dash

Pragyan Dash is an aspiring Sports Medicine specialist and USATF Coach. As a recreational runner & athlete, she wants to see herself as a fitness model. As a brand ambassador for two sports brands, she believes in a cleaner and greener earth.

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