The One Liner

Not Just a Movie Review : CODA

The One Liner

March 30, 2022. 3 minute Read


Ever since technology has evolved, it has almost felt like Oscar-winning movies are no longer subtle and light-hearted. But CODA proves us wrong. The movie revolves around the family, mentor-mentee relationship, disability, social anxiety, happiness, self-doubt, and ambition. CODA is a movie about a family where both parents are deaf, including their elder son and except for their younger daughter.

And when in a family where everyone is deaf, and you are the only person with no disability, responsibility increases because parents think it is their daughter who is making their life easier, but that’s what bothers the brother. Because he even understands she has a life and can take any responsibility for the family well.

When you know you are old enough to take responsibility for your family but are never given an opportunity, it does bother a person a lot. Yes, the older brother is deaf, but that doesn’t mean he has let his disability come his way. If he has to fight, he fights. If he thinks this business idea works, he tries to make it work.

The creators make you feel that no matter what disability you have, never see this as a hindrance; instead, make it a part of your life and go with the flow.You will love this family because they laugh together and use sign language to decide whom to date and whom to not on Tinder. At times, their fight gets ugly, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. They would be the ones who will run pillar to post to help you achieve what you want in life.

Life Takes its Course

But suddenly, when you understand your worth and realize you can’t achieve your dreams, the situation gets worrisome because you struggle to maintain that good balance.

And That is When a Mentor Plays a Significant Role

One thing, the mentor, doesn’t find you; you search for the mentor. A mentor is already a master of what he is teaching. He knows what works and what doesn’t. And when the time comes, he will be there to support you in whichever way possible. But at the same, it is your responsibility to give them the immense respect they deserve.

And how do you do that?

Please show up on time, do what he is trying to explain, learn what he is trying to teach. Only this is how we respect mentors back. Admire their time and admire their craftwork. They need no money, no honor.

A still from the movie, 'Coda.'

We Kind of Underestimate People in our Family

It does take some time, but eventually, the family will realize and appreciate your craftwork. And when the time comes, your family will be the first few people who will do everything possible for you to get to that peak so high. Just because they are different doesn’t mean they don’t understand us.

Here, let’s get straight to the point.

The whole ecosystem will help you achieve your dreams when you are worth it. And then every setback you had all your life will look like an opportunity rather than a hindrance.”

Final Thoughts

For people who watch Bollywood movies, it will remind you of Khamoshi, a Sanjay Lella Bhansali movie.

Watch CODA on Apple TV, which won the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Screenplay, and Best Actor in Supporting Role in the Academy Awards, 2022.


Here the opinions are purely personal.

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