The One Liner

Neural Networking: Revolutionising Artificial Intelligence. Your Future Is Here.


In this article, you ll understand about the latest AI revolution and that is the introduction of neural networking in AI.

Have you ever noticed how the article you saw online matches your interests? That’s neural networks in action – an AI that learns your preferences and tailors your feed accordingly.

Here, your smartphone becomes a rich source of input data, which includes numerical values from sensors, pixel values from images, sound frequencies from audio recordings, or what you are talking about. In fact, whatever text data you encode can help train a neural network, which increases its performance in AI over time.

What is Neural Networks in AI?

Neural networks are the closest computer proximation of the human brain. It is a brilliant combination of mathematics, computer science and neuroscience that helps humans in executing their tasks easily. 

Neural networks are like children, they learn from experience but they need your guidance and feedback in order to keep improving their performance. It enables the machines to directly learn from their observational data and improve their performance.

It tries to mimic the structure and functions of a human brain. They consist of interconnected nodes and artificial neurons that are arranged into layers. It works like our biological neurons that receive signals, process them,  generate an output signal and then pass it to the other neurons.


Neural networks are the backbone of artificial intelligence and an essential part of future technology, but what aids in the perfect integration of neural networking of AI in our smartphones? 

Things Contributing to Revolution of Neural networking in AI

1. Neural networking

Artificial neural networks are like virtual human brains that consist of interconnected nodes that are called neurons. It follows the same biological process of our brain that is to receive a signal, process the signal and generate an output signal.These output signals are then passed to other neurons. 

They learn from the data they receive, They recognize the patterns and make their decisions accordingly. Tasks like image recognition or language translation are done by the use of neural networks. Basically, it’s like teaching a computer or a machine to think , learn and mimic human intelligence.

2. AI advancements

You can observe a lot of advancement in artificial intelligence and in neural networking. In the past years, there have been a lot of advancements seen in neural networking. One of the major advancements is the development of deep learning that helps in learning a vast amount of data. 

Advancements like the availability of powerful hardware such as GPU ( Graphics Processing Units) and TPU ( Tensor Processing Units)are accelerating the training and execution of neural networks. Transfer learning technique allows neural networks to get the knowledge from one task and apply it to another task.

3. Deep learning

Deep learning is a part of machine learning where neural networks are involved in multiple layers.  It is also known as deep neural networks. These networks are able to learn and recognize patterns from a vast amount of data and use them in tasks like image recognition, speech recognition and language processing. 

The multiple layers help in processing a huge amount of data. The first few layers help in learning the low level features of the data and the deeper layers help in learning the high level presentation of the data. The main feature of deep learning is that it can automatically extract relevant features from the vast data and helps in time saving. This process resembles the process of human learning.

4. Applications of Neural Networking

Neural networking is used in various industries and domains.  First of all, it’s used for tasks like image recognition, object detection, facial recognition and image segmentation. They are a part of autonomous vehicles, surveillance systems and medical imaging analysis. It also helps in understanding and generating human languages. 

This includes machine translation, chatbots, and speech recognition. You can find its use in virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google. In the medical field it is used for diagnosis and prognosis. It helps in detecting tumours as well. Drones and robots are some autonomous systems that are powered by neural networks. 

5. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing is a part of Artificial Intelligence that allows computers to understand, interpret and generate human language in a meaningful way with full accuracy and fluency. 

It has a wide range of applications such as machine translation, text summarization, dialogue systems and sentiment analysis. NLP includes creation of representation of words that is called word embeddings. They can process sequences of words and characters. 

6. Computer Vision

Computer vision is a part of Artificial Intelligence that helps computers in understanding the visual information from the real world like images and videos.Neural networks have played an important role in advancing computer vision. Convolutional neural networks are a type of deep neural networks that are designed for processing images. 

It learns representations of visual features and helps in tasks like image classification, image segmentation and object detection. It also helps in performing tasks like detecting diseases in medical images and recognising head written digits in scanned documents.

Challenges of the neural networking technology

There are a lot of challenges with neural networking technology.

First of all, neural networks require a huge amount of high quality data in order to achieve a good performance. Now collecting such data sets with high quality can be time consuming and expensive as well. If the data is biassed or not clear then it can negatively impact the performance of the neural networks.  

Secondly it’s hard to explain and interpret the predictions of neural networks and researchers are trying to find the solution. Further, neural networks raise ethical and societal concerns that are related to fairness, privacy accountability and biasness. Researchers are working on the solutions and taking the responsibility of the development of neural networking technology.

Future of The tech: neural networking technology

The future of technology and  neural networking is really bright. With the ongoing development and advancement, you can easily observe a promising future of this technology. Artificial intelligence is revolutionising and is  allowing computers to understand and handle more complex data.  

In the upcoming  future, AI will solve complex problems and improve the quality of life for almost all the people across the world. Researchers are also working on the development of ethical guidelines for the AI systems so that it aligns with human values and societal goals.

Final Thoughts

Neural networking is the central part of Artificial Intelligence. It helps humans in many ways. Tasks like understanding and generating human language are done by the help of neural networking. Image and video recognition is also a task done by this technology. It helps the computer in learning and understanding vast data in less time. It mimics a human brain and works like it by receiving the input signals, processing them and generating the output signal just as our neurons do. This technology has a promising future and in the upcoming days, we will be able to observe more advancements in neural networking technology. 

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