The One Liner

Unwind and Thrive: 11 Practical ways on How to relieve stress quickly?


It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” as Hans Selye said about stress, Stressors may be beyond our control, but how we react to them and how we deal with them determines whether they break us or shape us.

Stress is the body’s natural reaction to challenges, demands, and perceived threats. While stress is a normal part of life and can motivate people to perform to their full potential, chronic or excessive stress can be harmful to both physical and mental health. 

Managing stress is a must for living a healthy and balanced life. And people who master practical stress management strategies:


In this article we will discuss everything you need about stress and how to handle it effectively.

10 Practical ways to heal from stress

The following strategies are most effective when used consistently in your daily life. Finding a combination that meets your specific preferences and requirements is essential.

Take care of your physical health.

1. Get regular exercise

Regular exercise releases endorphins and reduces stress hormones. Incorporate simple exercises into your daily work routine. Stretching or doing light exercises at your desk can help break up the monotony of sitting and relieve stress. Even short, frequent bursts of exercise can help to reduce stress.

Add short, high-intensity workouts to your routine. Perform aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, or swimming. Cardiovascular activities raise your heart rate, improve blood circulation, and stimulate the production of feel-good hormones.

Put on your favourite music and dance around. Dancing is not only a fun way to move your body, but it is also an excellent stress reliever.

Go for a short walk in nature. Being outdoors and surrounded by greenery can improve your mood and reduce stress.

2. Eat Well and Limit Alcohol and Stimulants

Maintain a balanced diet with nutritious foods to promote physical and mental health. These provide the energy and nutrients your body and mind need to function correctly.

Ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and promote overall health.

Consider limiting your caffeine intake; while a small amount can provide a temporary energy boost, excessive consumption can lead to feelings of anxiety and restlessness.

Excessive alcohol consumption can harm mental health and may increase stress levels.

Some herbal teas, like chamomile and peppermint, are known for their calming effects. Drinking a warm cup of herbal tea can be a relaxing ritual.

3. Sleep Enough

Prioritise sufficient and quality sleep.

Set a consistent sleep schedule and develop a bedtime routine to promote relaxation. Lack of sleep can significantly increase stress and impair your ability to deal with daily challenges.

Set up a relaxing routine before bedtime, such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practising relaxation exercises, to signal your body that it’s time to unwind.

Reduce exposure to screens, such as phones and computers, at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

If you’re having trouble sleeping regularly, talk to your doctor. Insomnia or sleep apnea conditions may necessitate specialised interventions to improve sleep quality.

4. Practice breathing exercise

Deep breathing exercises can promote relaxation. Slow, deep breaths can help to relieve tension and promote calm.

You can use the 4-7-8 Breathing Technique:

Concentrate on the sensation of your breath as you inhale and exhale. Get rid of any distracting thoughts.

As you practise the 4-7-8 breathing, imagine a calming scene or stress leaving your body with each exhale.

Pay attention to your mental well-being.

5. Rebalance Work and Home

Establish clear boundaries between professional and personal responsibilities to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Create designated workspaces and schedule breaks to avoid burnout.

Establish clear boundaries between work and home life. Set aside specific time blocks for work-related tasks and personal activities.

Prioritize tasks at work and share responsibilities at home. Communicate openly with your colleagues and family about your availability and limitations.

Prioritize your most important tasks. This allows you to complete critical tasks more efficiently, reducing the stress of approaching deadlines. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day. Setting attainable goals prevents feeling overwhelmed and allows you to concentrate on priorities without stress.

6. Connect with supportive people

Connect with supportive individuals to foster strong social connections. Don’t hesitate to contact friends, family, or colleagues. Share your feelings with someone you trust and discuss what’s bothering you.

Spend time with those who encourage and support you. Whether it’s a quick coffee break with a friend or a phone call with a loved one, social connections can help to reduce stress. Physical touch, such as a hug or a handshake, can cause the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes bonding and relieves stress.

If meeting in person is not possible, arrange a video call. A friendly face and a supportive voice can make a big difference.

If stress is related to work or tasks, consider discussing it with a colleague or delegating responsibility.

7. Practice meditation, stress reduction, or yoga

Choose a few basic yoga poses or stretches. Yoga relieves physical tension, increases flexibility, and promotes a state of calm. Even a 10-minute yoga session can help relieve stress quickly.

To practice mindful meditation,

  1. find a quiet and comfortable space.
  2. Sit or lie in a relaxed position.
  3. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing.
  4. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale.
  5. When your mind wanders, redirect your attention to your breath.
  6. Practice 5–10 minutes to quickly calm your mind and relieve stress.

You can practise progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) as well.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) involves sitting or lying down comfortably.

Tense and then release each muscle group, beginning at your toes and working up to your head. Hold the tension briefly before releasing it, feeling it melt away. This technique can help relieve physical tension and promote relaxation.

8. See a Counselor, Coach, or therapist

Seek professional help when needed. Therapists can teach you coping strategies tailored to your specific stressors. Work with your counsellor or therapist to identify stressors and develop strategies to manage or avoid them.

Use therapy sessions to express your ideas and emotions freely. Talking about your stressors with a professional can help you gain clarity and reduce the burden of carrying those concerns alone.

While immediate relief is essential, therapists can help you develop long-term stress management strategies. Building resilience and coping mechanisms can help you maintain your well-being over time.

Incorporate me-time and recreational activities.

9. Carve Out Hobby Time

Determine the activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Choose a hobby that you genuinely enjoy, such as reading, painting, gardening, playing a musical instrument, or anything else.

Schedule dedicated time for your hobbies. This could be a quick break during the workday, some time before bed, or a weekend slot. Treat this time as non-negotiable self-care.

Disconnect from electronic devices and the outside world during your leisure time. This can help you unwind and recharge.

If your hobby involves creative expression, such as writing, drawing, or crafting, use it to release your emotions. Expressing yourself creatively can be an excellent way to relieve stress.

10. Take a Vacation

Select a vacation destination that provides a change of scenery and the opportunity to discover new places. Spend your vacation time doing things that make you happy and relaxed.

If an entire vacation is not an option, consider a short getaway or day trip. Even a change of scenery for a day can provide a welcome break and a temporary respite from daily stress.

When on vacation, disconnect from work and digital devices. Set an out-of-office message, resist the urge to check email, and concentrate on being in the present moment.

Take some time during your vacation to think about your priorities, goals, and overall well-being. Use this time to reset mentally and emotionally, so you can return with a fresh perspective.

11. Write emotional Journals

Choose a format that suits you and create a routine for journaling. List specific events or situations that caused stress to better understand the patterns.

Recognise positive moments or achievements, no matter how small, as they can help to reduce stress.

Allow yourself to express your emotions freely without judgment.

Be specific in your feelings. Instead of saying, “I’m stressed,” describe your emotions, such as frustration, fear, or sadness.

Final Thoughts

Moreover, stress management is critical for overall well-being. While stress is an unavoidable part of life, implementing simple yet effective strategies can have a significant impact.

Remember to prioritise self-care, practice relaxation techniques, live a healthy lifestyle, and seek help as needed. Adopting these practices empowers you to face life’s challenges with resilience, promoting a healthier and more balanced approach to daily living. 

Simplicity is often the key to long-term and positive change in stress management.

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