The One Liner

Plan, Build And Manifest: Learn How To Make An Effective Vision Board?

See through it and achieve your goals.

Let’s make a vision board now. 

Are you waiting for the perfect moment to start creating your dream vision board? The truth is, the perfect time is now!

In personal development and growth, a vision board is a powerful tool for manifesting our goals and aspirations. It is a method of channelling our energy towards our dreams and motivating us in tough times while preparing to achieve our goals. 

Don’t chase perfection here. 

Crafting a vision board is not an artistic endeavour; it is an invitation to the universe to work in our favour. Building a vision board is easier than you think. Just follow these simple tips to make your dreams a reality.


In this article, we will share tips and tricks on how to make an effective vision board?

So, let’s get started

How to make an effective vision board?

1. Clarify Your Long And Short Term Goals

Just to be more clear about what you exactly want from your life? What do you really dream of? 

All you need to do is just segregate your goals according to your needs. In this world full of distractions, thinking,differentiating,working and achieving your goals is the only mantra.  

Write down all those aspects of life you want to work on such as health, career, family, financial growth, materialistic desires. Think of all the consequences of your achievements and then work upon them. Now, this is the writing time for you to sit and study your own self and question your necessities.

2. Gather All The Materials That You Need

Show your creativity, and design the foundation of your board. Collect all the necessary supplies you can currently think of. 

Take inspiration from previously crafted vision boards of others, watch every detail possible from different samples and prepare your own unique design which suits you and your personality. 

Meanwhile you are watching other’s boards and keep thinking of your type ,your colour pallet and build your vision board accordingly. Keep exploring different ideas and implement while designing your vision board.

3. Visualise Your Dreams With Open Eyes

Find a corner and a perfect time at which you feel the most productive so that you can work and visualise at your fullest. Clear away all the clutter and stay away from all your distractions for the time being and allow your energy to flow freely. 

The next step is to place everything right in front of you and arrange in the different ways possible. Place all the pictures, affirmations, drawings and all the other visuals that represent your goals,dreams,aspirations.

4. Organise Your Board Properly

All those references that you have seen till now will help you in this step to actually execute all the plans that you have prepared in your head. Fix all the templates in such a way that everything is clearly visible. Keep on trying different ways of arranging everything so that it looks attractive and motivational at the same time. Give yourself the freedom to arrange everything that resonates with your soul. 

Remember that there is no particular rule to arrange just do that which makes you feel good.

5. Customise To Make It Purely Yours

The last step in creating your own vision board is to add some personal touches such as pictures of your own or your close ones, lyrics of your favourite song, some motivational quotes or some of your favourite memories which will make your board feel like yours so that you totally relate to every corner of the board. 

Let every image carry your personality and desires.

6. Review Your Board Regularly

Keep on checking and updating your vision board to make everything look prominent and attractive every time you look at it. Keep on adding those creatives to the board which you feel is certainly new to your bucket list. 

Place your vision board at a certain location where you will be able to view it almost daily whether in your bedroom, workplace or the productive corner of your room. That’s all you need to do and you are ready to work,  achieve and fulfil all your dreams.

Final Thoughts

Embrace the process of making a vision with an open heart, don’t create boundaries around yourself in any context.

Just to sum up, the most important thing is to stay positive while working towards your goal. This vision board is not just a craft project, it is more like your dreams right in front of you in the form of pictures. The only thing you need to do is to stay calm, believe in yourself and work according to the plan.

Now, it’s now your time to achieve and shine, all the best and keep grinding.

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