The One Liner

Hobby Hacks: How do I keep up with my hobbies while having a full-time job?

9 to 5! Hardly, any time for your passion. Here is what you can do instead.

Emails, meetings, deadlines, etc. Do you need them round the clock? Round the clock, we all need some space that makes us feel truly alive and keeps us moving that can spark joy and let us unwind.

From working long hours to rarely finding barely any time and energy to execute a plan, pursuing a hobby feels more like a job today. Even with great tips, sometimes fitting in hobbies feels like a whole other job.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! With a few tweaks and some planning, we can reclaim our precious time for the things we love. 


In this article, we’ll explore effective time management strategies that can fit seamlessly into your busy life, reclaim your passions and rediscover the joy they bring.

How to keep up with hobbies after having a full time job?

Here is how we all can put our hobbies in our busy schedules:

1. Schedule your hobby time

Make your hobby the topmost priority on your to-do list. A dedicated time slot for your favourite activities always helps a lot.

There are two ways to get more things done in less time:

2. Align your Hobbies well with everyday task

Here's a trick !

If gyming, listen to  your favourite song. If your pot is put on a boil, paint something magical. Have a vision to do more in less time. This helps a lot to save your time. Here’s how you do it.

And in some cases, our hobbies may be slightly related to each other. What we can do is that we can dedicate a single time slot to perform all of them. This way, you can avoid constantly switching between gears and feeling scattered. 

Focusing on multiple activities at a time, even in a larger chunk, can actually be more relaxing and productive as compared to dedicating time slots to even the smallest of the activities.

3. Repurpose Weekends Strategically

Start your day with tasks that need your complete focus. Sometimes our regular to-dos can deplete our motivation and leave us feeling stressed.

Also, weekends are prime real estate for hobbies. Avoid the temptation to spend time on general tasks or mindless scrolling. 

Plan dedicated hobby sessions and stick to them. You can even try a “hobby weekend” where you immerse yourself in your passion for a longer stretch. 

4. Find a Buddy who shared same interests

Sometimes hobbies are the kind of stuff where you are trying to invent something, or at least trying. The actual problem is, most of the time you are disabled with very low energy, and a shut-in, and have very little idea about how to execute them. 

At that point of time you can look out for someone who can actually help you in your plans and can motivate you at the same time.

Plan to schedule time to engage in your activity together whether it is about being in a fitness class, a painting session, or a book club meeting. Having a buddy keeps you on track and adds a social element to your hobby time.

5. Track Your Progress

Most of us struggle with our priorities. But remember, data should be your new friend and fall in love with data. Keep your data in your feedback loop to motivate yourself to work harder towards your goal.

To track your progress use apps that can help you with goal tracking and visual progress representation. 

One app that comes to my mind is Beeminder, which not only tracks your goals but also estimates the completion date, based on your current progress. It also provides graphical representations, making it easier for visual interpretation.

Seeing your progress can fuel your enthusiasm and time investment feel worthwhile.

6. Learn to say "No"

If you have recently started a new job, do you also feel like that, you immediately got looped into several major projects. I can imagine that you might be working 12 hours a day, with a schedule so busy that you don’t even have 5 minutes to eat or take a sip of water until you get back home. 

In such a situation you might be so stuck in your work that you may not even get time to think about your hobbies MUCH. To overcome this you should learn to say “no”, to additional commitments apart from your work.


Never overload your schedule with unnecessary activities that drain your energy in order to fiercely protect your dedicated hobby time. 

Learn to say no!

Final Thoughts

Life can get busy, and sometimes our hobbies fall by the wayside. But taking time for the activities you enjoy isn’t selfish – it’s essential! 

When you get recharged with your hobbies, you return to work feeling more energised, creative, and fulfilled. So don’t be afraid to experiment with these tips and tricks to find what works best for you. 


Even a small investment in time can make a big difference.

Hope! You find the right balance between achieving your goals and pursuing your passions.

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