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Are you thriving at your job or just struggling? Detailed analysis of Gallup report.

Are you thriving at work, or are you facing challenges?

As we focus on the difficulties of modern workplace scenarios, it’s vital to remember that our professional lives are integrated with our well-being. 

However, the recent 2024 Gallup State of the Global Workplace reports emphasize how pertinent this concern is to millions of workers worldwide. 

This comprehensive study demonstrates that global worker mental health and well-being indices diverge sharply. Inordinately, in India, only about 14% of the workers reported that they are ‘thriving’, while the overall global percentile was 34%. Based on their current state and prospects, Gallup divides respondents into three sub-divisions of well-being:

This thorough analysis reveals startling differences in worker mental health and wellness worldwide. Remarkably, only 14% of Indian workers consider themselves “thriving,” while 34% feel this way worldwide. Based on their present situation and hopes for the future, Gallup divides respondents into three categories of well-being: thriving, striving, and suffering.


In this article, we’ll discover a deep dive into the Gallup Report and how it is affecting both Indians and the Global workforce. And learn how corporate companies are addressing workplace problems such as lifeless workloads, declining mental health, and constant stress and loneliness at work.

The Gallup State of the Global Workplace report for 2024

The Gallup State of the Global Workplace report for 2024 extensively analyzes employee mental health and wellness worldwide. Gallup divided the respondents’ states of well-being into three groups:

1. Thriving

People who score a seven or above on a 0–10 scale—where 0 represents the worst conceivable existence, and 10 represents the best—are considered thriving. Additionally, they have high hopes for the next five years, thinking things will remain the same or improve even further. 

These are those who anticipate a lot, have good prospects regarding their financial situations, and tend to encounter minimal stress and anxiety.

They feel financially secure, experience less stress and worry, effectively balance their personal and professional lives, and find significance in their work. Funging employees characterize positive relationships, increased productivity and engagement, and resilience in adversity. 


However, as the Gallup State of the Global Workplace report for 2024 reveals, only 14% of workers in India believe they are doing well, compared to 34% of workers globally. This disparity emphasises the need to improve worker well-being, particularly in countries where fewer people perceive themselves as thriving.

Often, people from the IT, healthcare, FMCG, renewable, and infrastructure sectors belong to thriving groups. However, one must remember that it also depends on various factors such as theone’s rank in office and the kind of work one is involved in. 

2. Struggling

Efforting: The Struggle is a real

In a workplace, people come across various issues that inhibit them and influence the positivity and efficiency of work. Efforting impairs people’s motivation, generates stress, and leaves them with hopelessness as a result of combating effort continuously.

According to the Gallup State of the Global Workplace report for 2024, “efforting” people rate their current circumstances lower on a 0–10 scale and have an uncertain or gloomy outlook. 

These people frequently have unstable finances, which contributes to their higher levels of everyday stress and financial anxiety.


They deal with issues like poor physical and mental health, economic instability, work-life imbalance, and job discontent on a personal and professional level. 

As a result, there is a decrease in productivity, tension in relationships, and resilience to adversity. The research emphasizes that a sizable section of the global workforce falls into this group to increase overall employee wellness and productivity, particularly in nations like India. It also underscores the importance of addressing financial insecurity and job unhappiness.

3. Suffering

Enduring: The Hidden Struggle

Speaking of the conditions in the worrisome workplaces, it is crucial to mention that the workforce faces several unseen challenges today. In the working environment, some employees experience many challenges in their day-to-day lives. They have to go through various physical, mental, and financial conditions that affect their health and ability to work. It indicates another unfathomable battle, but it is not in everybody’s glare this time.

According to the 2024 Gallup State of the Global Workplace study, those who are suffering give their current circumstances a score of four or below on a ten-point scale and have pessimistic expectations for the future. 


They describe significant levels of physical pain, tension, worry, despair, and rage, and they struggle every day to meet their basic needs for food and shelter. These people struggle with severe financial instability, poor mental and physical health, and restricted access to medical care.

Due to this, they are not very productive, their relationships are stressed, and they are not resilient when faced with difficulties. The paper emphasizes the necessity for focused interventions to promote the welfare of employees by highlighting notable regional differences in the suffering they experience.

A Comparison Between Indian vs Global Employees

The 2024 Gallup State of the Global Workplace survey noted significant differences in worker well-being between India and the global average. 

New data on the state of workers worldwide show that 34% of respondents reported they are ‘thriving,’ that is, they have a good supply of

However, only 14% of the Indian workers had similar feelings, and this indicates there must be insufficient work-life balance, poor health, high-stress levels of workers, and shaky financial positions.

The large gap thus raises the need to take proactive measures to improve worker well-being and productivity in India due to work-life interference, high financial insecurity, low job satisfaction, and poor health care.


 According to the global report made in 2023, there was a slight reduction in employee well-being from 35% to 34 %, and it identified that younger employees below 35 years experienced poor well-being. India is second in South Asia with 14 percent of employees in the ‘thriving’ category, behind Nepal, which has 22 percent of employees in the ‘thriving’ category. Nevertheless, the Indian respondents recorded the highest rate of anger, at 35% daily while at work, highlighting the significance of investing in holistic employee well-being programs to help Indian employees navigate the existing obstacles in the working environment.

Effect on Employees

Employees who are making efforts and are enduring don’t have access to the bare essentials, suffer more significant physical discomfort, and worry and stress more. In comparison to those who are thriving, they confront more substantial health issues, such as restricted access to healthcare and insurance, as well as a more significant burden of disease. 

The Gallup 2024 study reveals stark differences in employee well-being between geographical locations, highlighting the urgent need for focused initiatives to enhance mental health and general well-being, particularly in areas where a higher percentage of workers are experiencing difficulties or suffering.

But How are corporate companies solving this problem?

Google supports work-life balance with on-site therapy and meditation sessions, and LinkedIn offers unlimited vacation days. Creating an inclusive work environment is also crucial. For example, Salesforce is known for its commitment to diversity and fostering a sense of community among employees. Providing opportunities for career growth, like IBM’s professional development courses and clear advancement paths, helps employees feel more engaged and optimistic about their future.

Here are more companies that back comprehensive work situations and support well-being:

How do corporations with the best mental health well-being differ from others?

Grounded on search results, it upscales the mental well-being that initially differs in several crucial ways; they offer comprehensive internal health benefits and support programs. It includes furnishing access to comforting services, heartiness apps,  fiscal comforting, and on-point therapists. 

Companies like Deloitte, PwC, and Freddie Mac cater well to meeting workers’ mental health requirements. Secondly, these companies prioritise work-life balance and flexibility. Numerous offer paid leaves for days backed with health, casual days out, and flexible work arrangements to help workers manage stress and maintain their well-being. 

Enterprises like Dassault Systèmes and Sonos have enforced programs that give workers the autonomy to take time off as demanded. Thirdly, these companies foster a culture of openness and support around internal health. They train directors to spot signs of internal health issues and encourage workers to seek help. Moody’s, for instance, has devoted anonymous hotlines and hand resource groups to internal heartiness.  

Overall, the trendy benefits and allowances regarding mental health and well-being demonstrate a holistic, hand-centric approach beyond just offering benefits. They produce a terrain where internal health is stigmatised and prioritised as a crucial element of hand-heartiness and productivity.

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell

According to the Gallup 2024 survey, global disparities in employee wellness are evident. Of all workers, 34% feel they are thriving; only 14% of Indian workers think that way. The survey emphasises the importance of supporting better health and work-life balance, lessening stress, and increasing job satisfaction—especially in environments where employees face more significant challenges.

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