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Are you curious about what makes Finland the happiest country in the world? Read our case study on Finland.

Are you curious about what makes Finland the happiest country in the world? Read our case study on Finland.


In this article, we will understand why Finland has been ranked as the happiest country in the world for almost the past six consecutive years.

Recently world happiness report rankings came out, and India was ranked 126 out of 137 countries. We are unhappy with this report as we can find much happiness in our home soil. 

Even though the report is not satisfying, many of us have overlooked that Finland is ranked as the world’s happiest country for the sixth year in a row as we got busy in the debate. 

But why is it so? How is Finland getting ranked as the happiest country every time? To know the answer to all the questions, continue with us till the end.

Why is Finland a happy Country?

Let's get started,

Many factors of a nation can affect the happiness of its people, like – nature, financial condition, law and order, education, etc. 

So let’s discuss how these factors work in Finland.

Northern Lights


Staying between nature and spending some time with this majestic creation of god is beneficial for mental health, and that’s a well-known fact. 

Let’s know the natural beauties of Finland that can amaze you – 

1. Northern Ligths

The Northern Lights are visible in Lapland on about 200 evenings a year, or every other clear night, even though it can be cold and dark there. 

Being so far north has its advantages. Seeing the Aurora Borealis for the first time is an unforgettable experience, but the novelty never wears off. 

The exhilarating moment when the green and blue electrical charge snakes speed through the clear sky will always make you speechless, regardless of how many times you see it.

2. Midnight Sun

It doesn’t get black at all during the hottest part of the summer. The sun only briefly hides behind the horizon in the southern part of Finland before emerging again. The sun can remain above the horizon in Lapland for up to two months; the farther north you go, the longer it beams. Everyone is bursting with vitality at this moment.

3. Lakes

In the summer, the water is warm enough to swim while taking in the natural splendor of lush forests, rolling hills, and sparkling water. You can find Saimaa ringed seals and other extraordinary animals in Finnish lakes. It is a magical experience to share these areas with the local wildlife, which calms the spirit. For many Finns, having this close connection is essential to happiness.

Key Takeaway

The other natural beauties of Finland, like the northern lights, midnight sun, and beautiful lakes, contribute to the happiness ranking of Finland.

Education System of Finland
College Students

Educational system of Finland

The Finnish educational system, emerging as an intellectual force in education, has cracked the formula of providing high-quality instruction and upholding the tenet of eternal learning.

Along with offering high-quality instruction, Finland provides many kids with free education. 

Regular universities and universities for applied studies make up Finland’s public universities. The cost of attendance at these institutions is free for citizens of Switzerland, the EU, and the EEA. 

Usually, Higher Education programs in Finnish or Swedish are free for international students, but those from non-EU/EEA countries generally pay their tuition fees. 

Often teachers in Finland are paid exceptionally well. 

Now here is the thing, when you start paying your teachers well, kids’ parents, who are usually in their early 30s, typically don’t have to worry about investment in education but rather live a happy life because they are the ones who often during early either enjoying life or making their career at the same time.

Key Takeaway

You are a happy country if the country pays its teachers well and there is a scope of high-quality free education for all. 

Finland View

Clean air in Finland

According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, Finland has the finest air quality on earth. Finland has the lowest fine particle concentration in the world—less than six micrograms per cubic meter is why Finland has such clean air. 

The low population of Finland also contributes to the clean air condition of the country. The population density of the nation is 17 citizens per square kilometer area. 

The diverse natural habitat of the country also helps in its air quality management. Compared to any other nation in Europe, it has more forests. 

One of the most incredible locations is Pallas-Yllas-Tunturi National Park. You find the 11th-largest amount of greenery on earth there. 95% of Suriname comprises pine, birch, and oak trees.

Key Takeaway

The clean air of Finland, which is the finest in the world, helps its citizens live happy lives.

Finland's economic system

It is well-known that a country’s people can’t be happy if they’re struggling to arrange meals twice a day. The high degree of industrialization, the constrained domestic market, and the openness to trade characterize Finland’s economy. 

Finland’s mixed economy blends a free market with a welfare state modeled after the Nordic countries. Finland’s gross domestic product (GDP) will reach over 251 billion euros in 2021. 

Like other Western European economies like Germany, Austria, and Sweden, the high economic production per person is a strength of the Swedish economy.

Key Takeaway

A good economy with low poverty helps citizens live happy lives.

Low Crime Rates
Happy Citizen of Finland

Low Crime rates

One can roam freely in the streets without any stress of any crime will surely boost your mental health. That applies to the people of Finland. The country’s meager crime rate helped create a happy and carefree environment for its citizens.

Key Takeaway

Finland’s people live happy lives due to low crime rates.

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell:

Finland’s lush green spectacular environment, low population, free education, high economic growth, and low crime rates promote happiness in this country. 

Delhi has been adopting a similar model, but it’s a struggle for other states because other states are less economically prosperous than Delhi, which provides free education, electricity, and water.

Lowering the crime rates or developing the education or financial system may be in the hands of the government. Still, we can also contribute by ensuring we don’t harm our environment and be responsible citizens of this country.

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