The One Liner

Say Yes! To Beautiful Hair. Understand Here How Collagen Helps in Hair Growth And Thickness?

Although we might brush off many health issues, such as hair fall. 

But down the lane, we know it’s a big deal for everyone. Right!

Of course, it’s all about looking fresh nowadays, and hair forms a primary part of it. It’s like the ultimate accessory, so it’s a big deal when it’s not on point.

Nowadays, It feels like everyone is suffering from hair fall, and the reasons are atypical: poor diet, stress or any underlying health conditions. It seems to keep everyone on its radar, and Why wouldn’t it?

We live in a highly competitive and stressful world where everyone is working to achieve their desired goals. In the process ,we often ignore our general health and nutrition. So naturally,we end up suffering and “Bad hair” is one of the main concerns arising from this.However,the brighter side of this is that it affects our most valuable asset-“Radiating skin”, which motivates us to take care of our health.


However, collagen is the first remedy that pops up whenever we look for solutions for hair loss.

But are you uncertain about whether collagen contributes to hair growth?

Let’s find out together on The One liner to understand if collagen helps in hair growth! If yes, then how?

What is collagen?

 Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body. It gives structure to our skin and is also the protein that our ligaments and tendon are made of. Scientists have also called collagen the glue that holds our body structures together. Collagen provides strength, elasticity, and structure to these tissues to maintain their health and function.

How does a lack of collagen affect our bodies?

1. Affects skin elasticity and firmness

Collagen is the structural protein and absence of collagen leads to lack of elasticity and firmness on skin ,leading to sagging,wrinkled and more aged skin.

2. Affects blood flow and circulation

Collagen helps in maintaining the strength of blood vessels. Lack of collagen weakens the blood vessels, resulting in poor circulation and vascular conditions.

3. Affects joint health and mobility

Collagen deficiency can lead to impairment in joint function, leading to joint pain,stiffness,lack of mobility of joints and a high risk of developing joint related diseases.

4. Affects Hair health and growth

Hair is primarily composed of a protein called keratin,whose production is mainly dependent on Collagen. So, deficiency of Collagen directly affects hair growth and nutrition.

5. Affects bone and muscle mass

Collagen is a crucial component of bone matrix and contributes to muscle structure and function. Deficiency of collagen can lead to reduced muscle mass, strength and overall function.

How does a lack of collagen affect our bodies?

Collagen is responsible for maintaining the structural component of bones,joints and other body tissues.

Our body makes its own collagen with the help of certain proteins, however the new collagen production reduces with age. This has many consequences,like  joint pain,wrinkles,hair fall, and bad gut health.

This is where collagen supplements come in :

1. Improves gut health, joint pain and wound healing

With ageing, we start complaining about poor gut conditions, joint pain and slow wound healing. Why?

Collagen production decreases with age, which is the prime factor that helps maintain good gut health, joint strength, and healthy blood flow for wound healing.

Collagen may be recommended for people with conditions that impede wound healing, joint pain, and a healthy gut.

2. Reduces the sign of ageing

While our body can make its own collagen but the ability reduces with age.Thus we start seeing wrinkles after a certain age.

Collagen supplements in the form of cream,pills or powder are used to supply collagen from outside sources to reduce the signs of ageing.

3. Prevents Hair fall

The benefits of collagen for hair include:

  • Collagen reduces hair fall, by reducing dryness of the scalp.
  • Collagen can prevent premature greying in some cases .

Many experience hair fall and thinning of hair at later age, reduced collagen is thought to be one of the reasons for it.

It is important to remember that collagen may help in reducing hair fall rather than by promoting the growth of new hair. 

Modes Of Collagen Administration

They can also take food which promotes the formation of collagen in body:

Role of Collagen in hair health

Hair is composed primarily of keratin, a protein that gives hair its strength and structure. Keratin production relies on several amino acids, including those found in collagen. 

Therefore,Collagen plays a supporting role in hair growth and thickness.

Here’s how:

1. Provides Essential Amino Acids

Hair needs certain essential amino acids for their proper growth and nutrition.

Collagen supplements provide essential amino acids such as Proline and glycine.These amino acids are necessary for healthy hair growth and nutrition.

2. Helps To Maintain Healthy Scalp

Healthy scalp means healthy hair. Collagen helps in maintaining elasticity of the blood vessels in the body which eventually maintains the healthy blood flow in the scalp. A well nourished and healthy scalp keeps hair healthy and strong.

Relationship Between Ageing And Collagen

As we age, collagen production naturally declines. This reduction can impact skin elasticity and overall hair health. Collagen supplements might help counteract some of the effects of ageing by replenishing collagen levels, potentially benefiting hair health as well

Side-effects of collagen supplements

What can happen if you take too much Collagen?

If you go overboard with Collagen ,you may experience these issues:

1. Diarrhoea

Going overboard with collagen supplements might stir up some tummy troubles—think bloating or the dreaded diarrhoea

2. Allergic reactions:

Though it’s rare, some people might even have an allergic reaction, which could mean itching, swelling, or breathing issues. 

3. Kidney problems:

Some collagen supplements pack a lot of calcium, which sounds great until it’s too much, leading to hypercalcemia. This can mess with your kidneys and leave you feeling nauseous or confused.

Other considerations

Collagen might be the supportive factor in maintaining healthy hair but, hair growth is also affected by multiple other factors such as genetics, diet and systemic conditions. So, a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, proper hair care, and a healthy lifestyle are crucial for maintaining healthy hair growth.

Final Thoughts

In Conclusion

Collagen is the abundant protein in our body and may play a supportive role in hair health due to its contribution to keratin production and scalp health. 

We can consume collagen in supplements form or by the consumption of food containing necessary vitamins and minerals.While collagen supplements have potential benefits but remember that hair health is affected by numerous of factors such as genetics,diet and overall health.

So, incorporating collagen into our health regimen, along with maintaining a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, might help support overall hair health and growth.

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