The One Liner

Everything you need to know about Writing an Effective CV

Diptaraj Bhaduri

January 16, 2023. 4 minute Read

What is a CV or Résumé?

A CV or resume is a document that briefly lists your skills and experience. A CV must convey to any potential employer why we should hire you above any of the other skilled candidates who have presented themselves for employment, and this is where in reality, plenty of CVs fail.

How to write an effective CV?

1. Always have a Header with Contact Details.

Start from the top with your name and contact details like address, phone number, and email address. If your CV runs into multiple pages, mark an identifier on every page, probably as a header or footer, and page numbers.

2. Introduce Yourself

Although optional, starting the CV with a personal statement is always advised. If you decide to include one, it should say something real about you, not just a piece of very common information that could apply to anyone. In the personal statement, try to avoid jargon as much as possible and be focused on your authentic self.

3. Write a Professional Summary

In your Professional summary, you must include sections on Key Skills, Knowledge and Achievements, Work Experience, and Education. Depending on the position, nature of the job, and the industry, decide how much to include in each section. Try to get advice from someone in the sector if you don’t already work there. Start with the most recent achievement, experience, or training, and work backward in each section.

When listing out achievements, state what you’ve done and the result achieved. Concentrate on your actions, the precise outcome, and how you knew the action was successful.

Regarding work experience, ensure that you include all that is relevant. For individuals with plenty of work experience, it’s better not to include the details of your summer jobs as a student and ensure that you leave no gaps once you’ve started your career. Do not omit details of a career break that you may have taken for any reason, including redundancy. Remember, any misinformation in your CV, if detected at any stage of your job prospecting, will consign your CV to the dustbin.

It is not essential to include every academic course you’ve ever done, but it is necessary to include details of all academic achievements relevant to the job.

4. Proofread the Content on the CV

Before working on your CV, check the essential details of the job, and ensure that you include all the information required for applying and that your spelling and grammar are all correct. A CV with spelling and grammatical errors creates a poor impression on the recruiter.

5. Good Presentation always leaves a Lasting Impression. 

Work on the Presentation of your CV. Please make sure you layout your CV elegantly on the page so that it looks professional and is easy to read. Do not use a fancy font. Use a standard and professional-looking font that is easy to read, like Arial or Calibri. Generally, the font size is smaller than 10 points for body text and larger for headings. You can also refer to free CV templates available online and decide which template suits your application.

how to write an effective CV

Final Thoughts

Work on the Presentation of your CV. Please make sure you layout your CV elegantly on the page so that it looks professional and is easy to read. Do not use a fancy font. Use a standard and professional-looking font that is easy to read, like Arial or Calibri. Generally, the font size is smaller than 10 points for body text and larger for headings. You can also refer to free CV templates available online and decide which template suits your application.

Jammu Navani

Jammu is an ex – c-suite executive, a thought leader, passionate about
learning and sharing, with an insatiable appetite for helping individuals,
institutions and organizations pursue “EXCELLENCE” – be the best they
possibly can by the means of coaching, training & consulting.
As a professional trainer & coach he coaches leaders, entrepreneurs and
executives to help them build their physical resilience, accelerate their
professional & business growth and make an extra ordinary impact.

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