The One Liner

The Art of Maintaining Clarity in Crisis: 8 Ways to Think clearly under crisis


In this article, you will get to know about the techniques of thinking clearly even under crisis.

The word “crisis”, written in Chinese, has two meanings: one is danger, and the other is opportunity. Thus, it indicates that it depends on how we consider our crisis, whether it is a danger or an opportunity.

But in a crisis, we humans often panic and end up making wrong decisions during tough times, eventually affecting our lives and worsening the situation. So moral of the story: once we learn to deal these difficult situations it will stop negatively impacting your life. 

There is a saying, “When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control your response to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.”

So, let’s explore some tips and tricks for thinking clearly in critical situations.

8 ways to Think clearly under crisis

1. Try to remain calm

Stay calm; when you are calm, we think more clearly and make better decisions. 

When we panic- we increase our stress level, whereas staying calm reduces our stress level and ensures our physical and mental well-being. By staying calm, we have the ability to control ourself and our surroundings and we also overcome the crisis in less time. Additionally, being calm allows you to communicate effectively and seek help from others.

2. Seek clarity in mind

Having a clear mind during challenging situations is very helpful as it allows you to understand and analyse the problem to develop an appropriate solution against it. You can prioritise your tasks and act accordingly when your mind has clarity. You can develop effective strategies to help you deal with the situation.

Clarity of mind helps you to adapt things flexibly during changing circumstances. This allows you to stay calm and focused even under harsh situations. With a clear mind, you can find the solution to your problem.

3. Focus on factual information

Focusing on factual information helps as it provides an accurate understanding of the situation; it enables you to analyse the situation and understand the causes and effects, eventually leading you towards a potential solution. 

This also helps you prevent the spread of misinformation or disinformation that can worsen the crisis situation. It allows you to have clear and effective communication that contributes to strengthening trust and support while managing the crisis.

4. Practice mindfulness techniques

Practising mindfulness techniques are effective during times of crisis. Techniques such as deep breathing and meditation relax your mind and body, reduce stress, and help you to stay calm. 

Often, these situations overwhelm a person with emotions, but when you practise these mindfulness techniques, we can control and balance your responses and make wise decisions. This keeps you calm during difficult times, which helps you focus on every perspective and get an effective solution.

5. Stay in present

Stay in the present will help you to focus on the current situation. It prevents us from dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. This improves your decision-making skills and helps you to make a wise decision. 

By staying in the present, you can avoid anxiety and be calm, eventually responding to the crisis more effectively. You can navigate crises more efficiently and effectively by being in the present.

6. Seek perspective

Seeking different perspectives will allow you to understand the situation better. This will give various viewpoints, experiences, and insights, which will help you make a more secure and wise decision by getting inspired from different perspectives. 

By seeking perspective we contribute to developing a more strategic solution for the crisis. It will also help you identify risks and reduce the chance of taking one. Seeking different perspectives will help us to analyse the situation better and find a better solutionbagainst it.

7. Helps to Focus on physical and mental well-being.

When we focus on your physical and mental well-being we stay fit and avoid illness during times of crisis. 

Health is wealth;by staying physically and mentally healthy we give our best even during tough times. 

Exercising, getting proper nutrition and getting adequate sleep will strengthen and prepare you to face all the challenges, eventually leading you to get a practical solution for your problem. 

Meditating will help you regulate your emotions and maintain your mental stability. By caring for your physical and psychological health, you can stay strong during a crisis and develop a suitable solution.

8. Seek human experience

Seeking human experience is an important step you should take during tough times as when you connect with people who have gone through such a crisis, they provide you emotional support, they will understand you, and their experience might help you to tackle your problematic situation. 

They also offer you practical advice and hence become guiding force of  your life. Once we become aware of their experiences, we learn from our mistakes and successes.

Hence, we avoid repeating those mistakes. 


If you share your problems with someone who understands your situation it will help you stay mentally calm and relaxed.

Final Thoughts

Hence, this is how we can think clearly under any crisis. So the thoughts we create and action we seek, it defines our stability in any situation or crisis. 

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