The One Liner

Solo Trips can be the scariest, Most Liberating Thing of your Life. Learn 7 Benefits of Travelling Alone in 2023.


India’s youth has still not arrived into a zone where we have the solo trip trend.

This article is about why solo trips can be great for your individuality and how traveling alone changes the lives of many solo travelers. Read their testimonials below.

Let's dive right in..

Here’s the thing that I remember vividly,

DDLJ was the first part which convinced a large part of me that solo trips can change a lot of things about you. You will find that a solo trip can teach you a lot about yourself in a way that your mundane life might not. Even Simran did not know what she was missing in her life until she met Raj while on a solo trip in Switzerland. 

Do you remember? Kangana Ranaut in the movie, Queen, and how her one trip to France how liberating and life changing experience for her. 

Bollywood and its cliched romance aside, Solo trips are interesting. That’s why we are suggesting you try it out.

What Is Solo Travel?

First things first,

Solo Trip is a trip that you make for yourself on your own. You don’t travel with a group of friends or family. It is just yours. You get to decide where you want to go, you get to decide the time in accordance with your schedule, and it is all on your terms. The budget is decided by you. Everything is done by you.

That’s a solo trip.

Is Solo Trip A Good Idea?

Believe me on this one,

Absolutely, without a doubt. Solo trips are great. 

Especially when you feel extremely anxious about traveling with a group. I feel that solo travel has less peer pressure. Everything is on your terms. What you want to eat, how much you want to travel, what things you actually want to see. You don’t need to think that your friends will judge you if you wear this or say that or make silly mistakes in speaking the language. 

You may feel a bit scared the first time but a solo trip will surely change you and teach you a lot about yourself.

Why Are Solo Trips Important?

You need to know this,

Solo trips, in my opinion, are largely about finding yourself. This whole trip is about you and yourself. 

You know, like that famous dialogue, “I, me, aur myself”.

That’s what a solo trip is. You are going to find yourself in a way you never knew. Your mundane and monotonous life will not tell you striking revelations about yourself. 


So, if someone had to ask me what I knew about myself other than this, I knew nothing. That was until I went through a solo trip.

“I always thought that I can’t be happy with just myself. I needed people around me all the time. That is how it has been all the time. School was all about friends. College was all about friends, records, exams and such. Work is all about your performance, work value, money, co-workers, and promotions. So, if someone had to ask me what I knew about myself other than this, I knew nothing. That was until I went through a solo trip. All alone, by myself. Sure, it was scary but I realized that I didn’t need someone to make me happy. I am happy by myself.”


But this trip. This four month solo trip has given me clarity.

Back home, people just don’t seem to get it. They don’t have that same light in their eyes when you mention buying a flight to somewhere remote and when you try and talk about your experiences, oftentimes it can come off like bragging or that you’re being pretentious. 

The complete opposite happens when you travel. The people you’re surrounded by love traveling just as much as you do because they’re pursuing the same thing in the same country. 

You can talk about your hometowns, the places you’ve been, the places you want to go, and everyone seems to just get it. It’s this huge shift that happens once you get out of your hometown or city and it’s one of the things that I love most about solo travel.

Key Takeaway

 Solo travel not only pushes you out of your comfort zone but it also pushes you out of the zone of carrying other people’s expectations.

Are Solo Trips Fun?

This is a common question,

Solo Trips are extremely fun but there are things you need to know about them. Understand truly what might be. 

The days leading to the solo trip and the first few days can be the most overwhelming part. It might also get lonely. You will be your own support system, guardian, navigator, planner, and safety net. It might be a scary part.


It will definitely be an invaluable lesson about your own self. Growth is around every corner when you travel and that’s one of the rawest parts of the travel experience. 

The first few times eating alone as well can feel weird but you’ll slowly grow into it.

You will actually learn how to love yourself the best. Nothing can teach you about you than yourself.

Key Takeaway

 Solo Trips can be the scariest, most liberating, thing of your life. Try it at least once. You will not regret it.

How Solo Travels Change You?

We're not through yet:

1. Solo Trip will Teach you Self-Dependence.

When you are doing everything yourself, you will also learn that the first person you should depend on is yourself.

2. Solo Trip will make you more confident.

You will find that at the end of this solo trip, you will find yourself more confident and clear with your ideas. That will clear away the negativity clouding you because the decision you make will purely be yours without someone subtly influencing your decisions.

3. Solo Trip will teach you how to enjoy smaller things in life

You will find that smaller things can be enjoyed in life. You enjoy looking at nature and appreciate its subtle beauty. You learn that your struggle for the big things wasn’t exactly what can make you really happy.

4. Solo Trip will develop interpersonal skills.

You will learn how exactly you can communicate with people accurately. You learn how to properly put your point across. 

5. Solo Trip will develop problem solving skills.

You will have less dependence on other people to solve issues for you. So, you find out exactly what will solve your problems and what will aggravate them. 

6. Solo Trip will help you achieve your dreams.

Solo Trip will give you that push you need to pursue the career of your dreams. It will happen during the solo trip after realizing your skills, potential, and drive to make it happen. It will help reveal how you cope with things, how you react to stress, what makes you feel safe, what makes you feel unsafe, all the things that you need to live a meaningful life.

7. Solo Trip can help you learn Various Language

This is the funniest one but it will teach you exactly how a language has to be learnt. Nothing can teach you a language like a solo trip to that place. People might laugh at your attempt but will be happy to help you out and learn it.

Women And Solo Trips

Let's jump in!

We asked Bhavana Shah, Founder of Earthy Hues Tours Pvt Ltd, who owns a Travel and tour company, who quotes, “In our culture, we expect women to shoulder the burden of their family’s responsibilities, and they neglect their own needs and growth. If you feel overwhelmed or burnt out, embarking on a solo trip can be a transformative experience that helps you reconnect with yourself and feel refreshed.

As a woman, you’ve probably planned most of your family’s vacations, yet traveling for yourself has taken the backseat.

But now, it’s time to put aside that wait for a “better time” for the kids to grow up or for an extended leave from work. And what better time to get those wheels turning than Women’s Day? Instead, put yourself first.?


Every woman must embark on a solo trip at least once. Solo travel reintroduces you to YOU – your strengths and weaknesses. It pushes you to fight your fears and inhibitions. And it showers you with a sense of independence.

Bhavana Shah, Founder of Earthy Hues Tours Pvt Ltd

We even asked a few Indian solo travelers what they thought about their experience with solo traveling and their benefits. And one of the solo travelers, Shatabdi (aka bongexpress), quotes, 

“It’s the best way to travel if you know how to keep safe.


It makes you a more confident being. You don’t have to oblige anyone’s demands and can choose what you want to do with your time. It gives you more freedom and peace. You can escape the mundane selfies and touristy things that most people in groups do.

Shatabdi (aka bongexpress)

They live for social media stories and posts. Solo gives you a chance to sit quietly wherever you feel like it. You also talk to strangers and open up, which in a group is rare. I’m a photographer, so it gives me mental peace and time for my frames; people force me to take their pics in groups. Solo travels make you connect with nature and help you soak in and reflect deeper into life.”

And another solo traveler, Rakhi (aka rakhi_simmi), further quotes, 

“Solo travel is the best thing I could have done for myself.

It brought incredible benefits to my life and career. Whether learning something new, reflecting on your life goals, or seeing the places you’ve always wanted, travel is the most intense way of learning and can be transformational.

“It’s the best way to travel if you know how to keep safe.


It is so powerful to know yourself better and step into the unknown. It makes you more confident and independent

 Rakhi (aka rakhi_simmi)

This fluid approach brings more flexibility and the space to take time out and reflect. Solo travel is an opportunity to do this – to take a step back, learn and develop – all while exploring the cultures and sights of this beautiful world we live in.”  

And another solo traveler, Rakhi (aka rakhi_simmi), further quotes, 

“Solo travel is the best thing I could have done for myself.

It brought incredible benefits to my life and career. Whether learning something new, reflecting on your life goals, or seeing the places you’ve always wanted, travel is the most intense way of learning and can be transformational.

“It’s the best way to travel if you know how to keep safe.

Key Takeaway

Women are given security reasons for not letting them travel alone. But when you learn to move ahead of the worry about safety, you will get the best experience.

Travel Where Solo Travels Are Best

Check this out

Group Trips Vs Solo Trips

So, to explain better,

Group Trip

Enjoying With Friends

Higher Sense of Security

Easy And Convenient

Prepaid Trips

Solo Trip


You Have More Control On The Itinerary

You Don’t Have To Deal With Annoying People

No Hidden Costs

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell

Solo travels can seem scary for the first time and then you will have found greater benefits at the end and trust me with this, you will see yourself in light that you have not done before. A new way of looking at yourself. A new way of appreciating who you truly are. 

You have no friend better than yourself.

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