The One Liner

Taking Charge of Your Inner World: How To Stop Your Emotions From Driving Your Life

Your feelings are critical in everyday connections, activities, and decisions.

While emotions offer immense pleasure and reveal the deepest part of ourselves, they can also exert a strong hold over us by leading to hasty actions or bad decisions.

When emotions take over, they can control our behaviour and ultimately shape our lives.

You must note that you are not necessarily at the mercy of your emotions but still listen to what they say.


In this article, We’ll explore why emotions can appear to control your life sometimes and, more importantly, how you can take charge of it again.

6 Steps to Stop Your Emotions from Driving Your Life

1. Find Out Your Emotional Triggers

Observation is the key, so you can easily recognize the trigger points by paying close attention to your moods. 

Give your emotional experiences some thought. Keep track of your feelings in different situations and with various individuals.

Consider asking yourself the following questions:

You can get insights about your emotional triggers from mental health specialists, trusted friends, and family members based on their observations of your interactions and behaviours.

2. Acknowledge Why You Are Being Consumed,

It’s crucial to take a moment to acknowledge your strong emotions and not repress or judge them when you find yourself overcome by them.

The first question you ask yourself is why these emotions are being consumed.

Indulge yourself by asking.

In this way, you are reframing your thoughts. 

Move away from the circumstances triggering your emotions if they become overwhelming. 

Step apart from the situation physically, take deep breaths, or engage in relaxing hobbies like meditation.

3. Overcome The Negative Thoughts

Identify the negative thoughts that bother you. Ask the questions like,

Reframe your thinking to replace these pessimistic ideas with more reasonable, compassionate, and realistic viewpoints. 

Add affirmations and constructive self-talk into your everyday practice to combat negative thought patterns.

4. Set Boundaries and Prioritize Self-Care This Time

Prioritizing self-care and establishing boundaries are essential for emotional wellness.

For example, it’s acceptable to turn down invites from time to time if you find that gatherings drain your energy levels. 

Making time for regular self-care activities like reading, working out, or taking a soothing bath helps you stay calm in life’s challenges by recharging your emotional reserves.

Make time in your calendar just for self-care tasks. This time is non-negotiable; prioritize it just like any other significant commitment.

5. Develop Coping Mechanisms

Practice Mindfulness For Emotional Regulation

You may already have a go-to method of handling solid emotions if you meditate often. Your awareness of all feelings and experiences can be increased with meditation. 

Through meditation, you are training your mind to accept these emotions and to sit with them without passing judgment on them or trying to push them away.

Conduct body scans regularly to become tuned to your body’s sensations and to release any stored tension or stress.

6. Seek Professional Help

It could be time to get professional help if your emotions are still too much to handle. In addition to problems managing stress or adjusting to life changes, persistent feelings of despair, worry, anger, or hopelessness are common indicators that someone needs professional help.

Make an appointment to speak with a therapist or counsellor, someone you feel at ease with and who has dealt with issues similar to yours. 

Aside from private counselling, it would help if you considered using self-help books, courses, support groups, and internet tools to help your mental health.

Final Thoughts

Control your emotions rather than allow them to manipulate you through actions such as setting boundaries, taking care of yourself, and challenging negative ideas. 

And getting help from an expert can help if things become too overwhelming for you as an individual. Finding that right balance and accepting responsibility for your mental health are crucial for your overall wellness.

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