The One Liner

Do You Feel Being “In Between” Somewhere Down The Lane Or Now? If Yes, Learn 8 Tips And Tricks To Find Clarity Here.

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck with thoughtlessness? And felt empty inside?

You’re not quite where you want to be, but you’re not where you used to be either. It’s that unsettling feeling of being “in between”—not fully moving forward, but not exactly stuck either. It’s like standing on the edge of a cliff, unsure whether to leap or step back. This mental space can be frustrating, confusing, and downright exhausting. 

But what if this “in between” phase isn’t a dead-end but a crossroads filled with possibilities?

The "in between" phase, while uncomfortable, is a natural part of growth.

It’s where changes and decisions are made, and new chapters begin. Instead of seeing it as a frustrating pause, what if you viewed it as an opportunity to reflect  and realign your goals? This is your chance to tune in to your inner voice, to explore what truly matters, and to prepare for the next exciting step in your journey.


In this article, we’ll dive into the steps you can take to navigate this “in between” mental situation and move forward with clarity and confidence.

And let’s transform this uncertain phase from a burden into a bridge that leads to your next big adventure.  Let’s go!

Feeling of being "In Between”

8 Tips and Tricks to Find Clarity

1. Recognize and Accept

Your Starting Point Matters

The first step to moving on is recognizing that you’re in an “in between” phase. It might feel uncomfortable, but that’s okay. Acknowledging this feeling is crucial because it gives you a starting point. It’s like mapping out your location or pointing out before starting a journey—knowing where you are helps you figure out where to go next

2. Turning Uncertainty into Opportunity

Uncertainty is scary, but it’s also a sign that change is on the horizon. Instead of fearing the unknown, try to see it as a chance for growth. Imagine you’re standing on a bridge between two places. Sure, the view might be foggy, but who knows what wonders lie ahead? Embracing uncertainty can turn fear into excitement.

3. Dig Deeper

Identify What’s Holding You Back

Sometimes, we feel “in between” because something is holding us back. It could be fear, self-doubt, or even comfort in the familiar. Take some time to reflect on what’s keeping you stuck. Write it down, talk to a friend, or even shout it out loud. Identifying these obstacles is like finding the roots of a weed—you can’t pull it out until you know where it starts.

4. Take Baby Steps

Set Small, Achievable Goals

Moving on doesn’t mean you have to take giant leaps. Sometimes, baby steps are just as effective. Set small, achievable goals that can help you move forward, even if it’s just a tiny bit. Maybe it’s updating your resume, reaching out to someone for advice, or just deciding on your next step. Each small action builds momentum, turning your “in between” phase into a journey.

5. Claim Your Power

Focus on What You Can Control

When you’re in an “in between” state, it’s easy to feel powerless. But here’s the thing—you always have control over something. Maybe you can’t change the situation immediately, but you can control how you respond to it. Focus on what’s within your power. Can you change your perspective? Can you take action on something minor? Shifting your focus to what you can control gives you a sense of empowerment.

6. Reach Out, Talk To Someone!

Seek Support and Fresh Perspectives

Don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or even a therapist. Sometimes, an outside perspective is all you need to see things differently. Talking to someone can also help you feel less alone in your “in between” phase. They might have been through something similar and can offer advice or just a listening ear.

7. Celebrate Every Win

Progress is Progress

Moving out of an “in between” mental state isn’t always a smooth ride, but every bit of progress deserves recognition. Celebrate your small wins, whether it’s feeling a little more confident or making a decision you’ve been putting off. These celebrations are reminders that you’re moving forward, even if it doesn’t always feel like it.

8. See It to Achieve It

Visualize Your Future Self

One powerful way to move on is to visualize where you want to be. Imagine yourself having moved past this “in between” phase. What does that look like? How do you feel? Imagination isn’t just daydreaming; it’s a way to set a mental destination. When you can see where you’re going, it’s easier to start moving in that direction.

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell!

Remember, moving on from an “in between” mental situation is a process, not a quick fix.

Give yourself grace and time. Each step you take, no matter how small, is a victory. The goal isn’t just to get out of this phase but to learn from it, grow, and move forward stronger than before. 

So, take a deep breath, trust the process, and keep moving—you’ve got this!

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