The One Liner

Manifest, visualise, and script your success story: Learn advanced manifestation scripting methods

Let’s take a chance today since it is easy to dream big. 

Have you ever tried writing a script about your big dreams and goals or any specific long-term wishes that you wish to accomplish? Have you ever considered utilising these thoughts to curate your reality?

If you haven’t, learn advanced manifestation scripting methods now!

Manifesting is the key to attaining your desired reality; just by scripting your dreams and desires in detail and thinking positively, we can manifest all your aspirations using advanced script visualisation.

Let’s dig deeper!

What is scripting visualisation?

Scripting visualisation is as easy as writing down what you desire or wish to acquire, such as building a new house or purchasing a luxurious car.

Many celebrities script their abilities, visualise their dreams, and try to manifest them into reality. Even Virat Kohli did the same after September 2014, when he was struggling to score runs in England. In one of his interviews, he quotes,


…….So my mindset was I’m gonna go to Australia and gonna score runs against these guys. I wasn’t going out there  to survive and from the time I got home till Australia tour I promise I was visiualizing every everyday when I was working out in the gym that I am hitting Mitchell Johnson. I’m hitting these guys all over the park and these things came in life eventually because I convinced myself to an extent when I went there I was absolutely fearless and thing just started flowing. “   – Virat Kohli

Not only Virat Kohli but also tennis legend Novak Djokovic said once that he didn’t master his tennis first, but he trained himself harder mentally first. He would rehearse and anticipate all his shots in mind first and then meticulously manifest victories even before they happen. 

While manifesting something, you have to visualise your desires for the future as a living reality, which might be difficult for some people. But by simply jotting down the same is comparatively better and helps you to easily express yourself just by using a pen and paper.

Virat Kohli after scoring century against Australia in 2014 bilateral test series.

And here is the course of action:

How to apply Advanced manifestation scripting methods?

1. Employ the 3-6-9 method

While practising the script visualisation, you simply write down what you want on paper. But to make it more efficient, you can use a single word to represent your desire and write the script

To make this even more productive, make use of your written scripts by keeping them under your pillow at bedtime!

2. Stick to the present tense

The crucial thing to keep in mind is to live your future while writing your script. You have to write everything in the present tense and act in such a way that the things you have written actually took place in the present.

3. Strongly believe in your script

Staying positive throughout your journey of script visualisation is significant, as it helps to strongly believe in your goals, which you aim to achieve. Treat the script you create as a medium to motivate and encourage yourself to keep moving forward in life by taking the necessary steps of hard work and not just completely relying on this practice.

4. Make a vision board

It’s a fascinating way to regularly increase the efficiency of your script visualisation. The vision board you make should inculcate your desires in a visually appealing manner for a systematic alignment of goals and aspirations, which helps to build and enhance your script. It also reminds you to stay positive and consistently work in the direction of achieving what you want.

5. Use positive affirmations

Staying positive and using positive affirmations like ‘I am successful’ helps you efficiently enhance your script visualisation. Also, do not write something that should not happen; instead, learn from your positive affirmations.

6. Do not get attached

It is crucial to be patient and realistic throughout your script visualisation. If you get restless to achieve your desires or get attached to the results of your manifestation and start to completely rely upon them, then accomplishing your goals and aspirations will become difficult. Hence, it is important to note that for a successful manifestation, it is important to stay focused and keep on working hard.

7. Surround yourself with positivity

Your surroundings truly impact your overall well-being. It is crucial to stay positive in the true sense by proliferating positivity in your surroundings by cutting off all the negativity and the reasons that lead to negative thoughts.

8. Consider your dreams before bed

The actions that you take before going to bed matter a lot and greatly affect your script visualisation. 

If you visualise and write your script before going to bed, then it will help your subconscious mind retain your desires and keep track of your goals and dreams. Further, it also helps you serve your dream state. It makes you more consistent with your aim and aligns your way of working in the subconscious mind, thereby increasing your overall efficiency.

9. Keep a record to refer to your past manifestations

Gather and keep your scripts as a record to refer to your past manifestations before starting to write new scripts with different goals. It helps to remind you of the realistic boundaries and primary concerns of your life and to maintain consistency.

Final Thoughts

Thus, you can employ this amazing method of script visualisation to achieve your desires and lead a positive journey of manifestation. It results greatly if one stays realistic, positive, and consistently works to focus on their goals through persistent actions and a hardworking spirit.

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