4 Ways How You Can Drive Safe on Road

By The One Liner

June 29, 2020

According to a Lancet study, if we had focused on the following four key factors, we could have prevented  25% to 40% of 13.5 lakhs fatal road injuries worldwide-yearly.  

Source : The Hindu



If you love speed, there is a Race Course where you can speed your vehicle up to an insane number like 636 kph in your 1939 Daimler-Benz T8. In India, we could have saved some 20224 lives lost due to the speeding of vehicles, according to the Lancet report.

The One Liner

Use of helmet


 By use of a helmet, one can prevent head injuries and facial injuries. We could have saved some 6683 lives if they had used helmets while riding their bikes or scooter on the road.

The One Liner

Drunk driving


India badly needs a service giver who can drive them back home safely while in a drunken state. And even have checkpoints in pubs and restaurants to check whether one is in a drunken state or not. In most of the metro, it's already being done by having various checkpoints near bars, pubs, and restaurants, but we need to do more.

The One Liner



A good seat belt restricts a jerk given to the body when the driver suddenly applies the brake or if somebody hits the car from behind. It is always safe for riders to wear seat belts while driving their car. 

The One Liner

Is the Government of India doing Enough? 

 The One Liner


Nitin Gadkari has set an ambitious target of reducing at least 50%  of road traffic deaths by 2024.  And the second decade of Road action Safety 2021-30 has a target to prevent at least 50% of road traffic injuries.  

The One Liner


The government has also made it mandatory for six airbags for eight-seater cars. 

The One Liner


Even for Pillion riders, Helmet is now compulsory in almost all cities. If not wearing one, riders are often heavily penalized. 

The One Liner

Having a check on Speeding Cars

In metros and even tier 2 cities, police officers check car speed on every road, be it in cities, expressways, or National Highway, everywhere. 

The One Liner

Finally! Your safety is your priority, not an option here.

The One Liner

Drive Safe!

The One Liner

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BY The One Liner