Do's and don'ts: 10 Summer Wellness Tips

Picture your body as if it were as dry as the Sahara desert. Although water is your only way to meet your body's needs; in colorful contrast, many camels come to drink.


The One Liner

Hydrate Like Your Body's a Desert

Saving your skin is simple; apply that much-loved sunscreen before you unveil your beloved body—be it wearing a bikini or shirtless—from the sun's heat.


The One Liner

Sunscreen is Your BFF

If Hades has you in real life, he could be moralizing very well. Head for those air-conditioned places. Whether it be a wooden hut or an ice-cube room.


The One Liner

Chill Out, Literally

Greet with something healthy and savory to eat, enjoy, and toss the rest of the junk away; and you will make every day a full-course meal.


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Snack Smart, Snack Fresh

Immobilize yourself in the bedroom with become of lazy summer temperatures, if they are a low, light adaptation. Be active like a romp in the park, or even daring like a dancing party in the living room.


The One Liner

Move That Body

For a while now, do yourself, especially your eyes and mind, the favor of breaking away from the addictive screen and allowing your body chance to enjoy all that nature has to offer by simply having a taste of it.


The One Liner

Take a Tech Timeout

To understand the genuine Spanish soul, the only thing that counts is to get accustomed to siesta in the afternoons; know that siesta is like a nap that could perfectly be taken instead of a rest.


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Siesta Time

While saying goodbye to your wet uniforms and those tight clothes that make you like running around a hamster wheel each moment; you now must go for the clothing that makes your skin able to breathe more freely, as the saying goes.


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Dress Like a Breezy Boss

You must always rise above the weather in summer, this is established by applying 'zhun-zhi' to it, deep breath and mind will lead you through the situation.


The One Liner

Stay Zen, Stay Cool

It could be serving your beloved ice cream flavor or the gorgeous stroll alongside the coastline at dusk — treasuring those small pieces of summer as they are will bring you a full memory basket worth doing.


The One Liner

Savor the Simple Joys

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