Chia seeds are tiny edible seeds of Salvia hispanica, a flowering plant in the mint family native to central and southern Mexico. Basically, they are oval and grey with black, white spots.
The One Liner
The seeds have benefits for your digestive system and overall health. The fiber in chia seeds is mainly soluble fiber and mucilage, the substance responsible for the gluey texture of moistened chia seeds.
The One Liner
One of the unique characteristics of chia seeds is their high content of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
The One Liner
Consumption of chia seeds will also help to reduce the weight.
The One Liner
Chia seeds do contain a couple of hair strengthening nutrients, phosphorous and L-lysine. Also contain several kinds of amino acids that are important building blocks for our hair, skin and nails.
The One Liner
Chias seeds is an excellent food during periods. That derives from the fact that, the blood vessels in women ovaries are tiny and vulnerable to be damaged with poor blood circulation and chia seeds showed that can increase blood flow.
The One Liner
The daily chia seed recommendation includes two to three tablespoons of chia. This amount eaten per day will depend on your underlying pathologies or how you digest those seeds.
The One Liner
The best way to eat chia seeds is in a preparation with some liquid. The seeds absorb a lot of liquid and form a gel that makes them easier to digest.