5 Good Things that Happened and will be Happening in India Sooner

By The One Liner

Free Food Distribution Helped Indians Offset Poverty


One of the IMF Paper authors, former Chief Economic Advisor Arvind Virmani, said Covid-19  almost pushed 15-25 Million people into poverty during 2020-21, but the impact was reduced by free food distribution. He further said India has almost eliminated low-income poverty, where Purchasing Power Parity was $1.9 per person a day. Source: Business Standard

By The One Liner

India Inc To Give Average Pay Hike at 8-12% in 2022


According to Micheal Page Salary Report, the salary of most of the employees in India Inc will likely see a hike at 8-12% in 2022. If you are from top-rated universities, data scientists, web developers, and cloud Architects will be high in demand. Banking and financial services, property and construction, and manufacturing sectors remain growth sectors in India. Source: Micheal Page Salary ReportSource: Business Standard

By The One Liner

Reliance Sets up Free EV cHarging Station for Its Employees in Navi Mumbai.


In its Mumbai Campus, Reliance has set up six chargers of different configurations for two-wheeler and four-wheelers Electric Vehicles. The company's HR informed them about the Jio-bp pulse EV Charging Zone in its Navi Mumbai Campus.  Source: Business Standard

By The One Liner

Asian Development Bank Projects India to Grow at 7.5% in FY23


Higher Capital Spending and Fiscal Policy will generate jobs in the construction sector and sustain growth. Public Investment will further catalyze Economic growth. There are various risks to economic growth, such as Covid-19 Outbreak and new variants, monetary policy tightening in the US, and a sharp rise in commodity prices. It also believes the Russian invasion of Ukraine and higher oil prices may disrupt supply chain management and lead to inflation. Source: Asian Development Bank

By The One Liner

Service Sector Purchasing Manager Index Increases from 53.6 8 in March 2022 to 51.8 in Preeceding Month


This is the seasonal adjusted  S&P Global India Services Purchasing Manager Index, where anything above 50 is an expansion and below 50 is a contraction in manufacturing. 

By The One Liner

According to IHS  Markit, domestic sales were the key economic growth source. Further, Pollyanna De Lima, associate economics director at IHS Markit, said that despite the Inflation and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, it was due to the relaxation of post-covid-19 restrictions which accelerated further growth. People were eager to go out and spend. But the risk of inflation may hamper business optimism and sales growth.   Source: Business Standard

By The One Liner

If You Love Backstreet Boys, You will Love these Songs As Well.

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By The One Liner

The One Liner