It's been observed that when someone does something nice for others, it releases endorphins and oxytocin, which makes them feel happier and more content. So, helping others is good not only for the soul but also for the mind and spirit.
The One Liner
Well, that is what my teacher used to tell me! By focusing on improving someone else's day, you can take your mind off your problems. It makes you feel good about yourself, too!
The One Liner
A selfless perspective helps develop an emotionally strong mindset that eventually enables you to handle stressful situations with much more ease and resilience.
The One Liner
Being selfish can damage the relationships between people and hurt mental health. Therefore, it is more desirable to be selfless to strengthen the bond between people to influence our mental health positively
The One Liner
Selfless acts benefit mental health. They make you feel happy and give importance to your life.
The One Liner
The One Liner
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